What does submarining mean?

And then there’s submarining. Also known as “zombie-ing,” submarining is a form of ghosting where a person drops off the grid, only to then get back in touch months later—perhaps just as you were finally getting over being ghosted in the first place.

What does verb ship mean?

transitive verb. 1a : to place or receive on board a ship for transportation by water. b : to cause to be transported shipped him off to prep school. 2 obsolete : to provide with a ship. 3 : to put in place for use ship the tiller.

Do submarines sail?

Under water, the sail acts as a vertical stabilizer. In some submarines, the sail also supports diving planes (or fairwater planes), which are control surfaces used for underwater stability and steering.

What is submarining in car seats?

Submarining occurs when the rider is propelled underneath the lap seat belt during a collision. Sometimes the rider is propelled out of the vehicle. Submarining can result in severe injuries like internal bleeding, spinal injuries, injuries to the lower limbs, and death, even in low-speed collisions.

What is submarining in computer fundamentals?

Submarining definition Filters. The temporary visual loss of the cursor when it is moved rapidly on a passive matrix display screen. The faster response times of active matrix screens eliminate submarining.

Is to ship slang?

Noun, short for relationship. Verb, to endorse a romantic relationship. While the concept of wanting two fictional characters to have sex/fall in love predates “ship,” the term reportedly first entered the online forum sphere in the 1990s with The X-Files.

Is ship a noun or verb?

ship (verb) -ship (noun suffix) shipping (noun) container ship (noun)

What is a submarines movement called?

Looking around, the choice of word for the motion of a submarine seems to depend on context. They set sail. They penetrate enemy waters. They travel under water. They run silent, run deep – and ‘silent running’ is a mode of operation.

What does a submarine do verb?

Definition of submarine (Entry 3 of 3) transitive verb. : to attack by or as if by a submarine : attack from beneath. intransitive verb. : to dive or slide under something.