What does sol mean in The Martian?

Mars solar day
A Mars solar day has a mean period of 24 hours 39 minutes 35.244 seconds, and is customarily referred to as a “sol” in order to distinguish this from the roughly 3% shorter solar day on Earth.

How many sols was Mark Watney on Mars?

549 sols
In “The Martian,” astronaut Mark Watney gets stranded on Mars. He’s stuck there for a total of 549 Martian days, which, since days on Mars are about 40 minutes longer than days on Earth, scientists refer to them as “sols.” 549 sols is a pretty long time.

What does sol stand for?


Acronym Definition
SOL Standard of Living
SOL Sooner Or Later
SOL Standards Of Learning
SOL Solicitation

Why is a Martian day called a sol?

Sol (borrowed from the Latin word for sun) is a solar day on Mars; that is, a Mars-day. A sol is the apparent interval between two successive returns of the Sun to the same meridian (sundial time) as seen by an observer on Mars. It is one of several units for timekeeping on Mars.

How long is a sol?

24 hours, 39 minutes and 35 seconds
Mars is a planet with a very similar daily cycle to the Earth. Its ‘sidereal’ day is 24 hours, 37 minutes and 22 seconds, and its solar day 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35 seconds. A Martian day (referred to as “sol”) is therefore approximately 40 minutes longer than a day on Earth.

What does Mindy Park discover?

A low-level employee who processes Satellite images at NASA Satellite Control (Sat Con), Mindy is the first person on Earth to realize that Watney is still alive.

Why did the crew place a bomb on their ship?

The crew of Hermes was too far away from the probe Mark was in to go get him and they didn’t have enough fuel to go get him and then go home. Their solution was to set off some sort of bomb in an Airlock and that would propel them forward towards Watney without using any fuel.

Has anyone landed on Mars?

There have also been studies for a possible human mission to Mars, including a landing, but none have been attempted. Soviet Union’s Mars 3, which landed in 1971, was the first successful Mars landing. As of May 2021, the Soviet Union, United States and China have conducted Mars landing successfully.

Has a human been to Mars?

So far, only uncrewed spacecraft have made the trip to the red planet, but that could soon change. NASA is hoping to land the first humans on Mars by the 2030s—and several new missions are launching before then to push exploration forward.

What is sol and Luna?

Sol and Luna are the two major personifications of the partners of the coniunctiosun and moonwhich in alchemy are specifically associated with the opposition of the sexes. The sun is conceived of as masculine and the moon as feminine.