What does S&S mean in MSHA?

The Pattern of Violations (POV) is used by MSHA to identify mine operators who have demonstrated a recurring pattern of Significant and Substantial (S&S) violations of mandatory health and safety standards at their mines. An S&S violation is one that is reasonably likely to result in a serious injury or illness.

Who needs MSHA Part 48?

The training exemption for mining supervisors who are certified in accordance with MSHA-approved state certification requirements under Section 48.2(a)(1)(ii) has been removed. Mining supervisors are now considered to be miners under Part 48 and are required to be trained.

What is a MSHA 5000 23?

5000-23. Description: This is a mandatory collection of information as required by 30 CFR Part 48.9 and 48.29. The Certificate of Training Form 5000-23 provides a means for mine operators to record and certify Part 48 mandatory training received by miners.

What is a S&S citation?

The S&S designation on a citation is important because it signifies that the inspector believes the violation presents a heightened risk for miners. Second, an S&S finding can be the basis for more significant enforcement, such as unwarrantable failure citations or Pattern of Violations closure orders.

How long does MSHA certification last?

“Does MSHA training expire?” It’s one of our most asked questions. The short answer is yes. But as with most government rules there are exceptions and nuances. To remain compliant you must take Annual Refresher training every year.

How long is MSHA Part 46 Good For?

MSHA Part 46 Training Part 46 certification must be renewed every year with an 8 hour Annual Refresher training. There is a small amount of wiggle room. The training does not expire after exactly 365 days. You are compliant until the end of the calendar month one year after your last Annual Refresher training.

What does MSHA training consist of?

All underground mining requires Part 48 MSHA training; new miners need 40 hours of safety training, while experienced miners or returning miners need 8 hours of refresher training to maintain “competent person” designation.