What does sales maximization mean?
What does sales maximization mean?
Theoretically, sales maximization is achieved when a business sells as much of a product or service as possible without making a loss, meaning the average revenue of a product or service is the same as its average cost to produce it. This is often achieved by strategically lowering prices.
Who gave sales maximization concept?
Baumol’s theory of sales revenue maximization was created by American economist William Jack Baumol. It’s based on the theory that, once a company has reached an acceptable level of profit for a good or service, the aim should shift away from increasing profit to focus on increasing revenue from sales.
What is the concept of profit maximization and sales maximization?
Sales maximization is a business strategy that a company implements when it wants to focus on generating as much revenue as possible. Profit maximization is the objective of generating as much profit as possible over time. Sales are the initial steps toward profitability. There are no profits without sales.
What is Baumol’s theory of sales revenue maximisation?
Baumol’s sales revenue maximization model highlights that the primary objective of a firm is to maximize its sales rather than profit maximization. It states that the goal of the firm is maximization of sales revenue subject to a minimum profit constraint.
What is the importance of sales maximisation?
First, it allows a business to build consumer loyalty. Once a sufficient number of buyers habitually buy the product, prices can be gently raised to increase profits. Secondly, maximum revenue results in higher output levels, which in turn can help reduce costs over the long term.
Why is sales maximisation important?
Sales maximisation Increased market share increases monopoly power and may enable the firm to put up prices and make more profit in the long run. Managers prefer to work for bigger companies as it leads to greater prestige and higher salaries.
Where does sales maximisation occur economics?
Sales maximisation is another possible goal and occurs when the firm sells as much as possible without making a loss.
What is Baumol theory?
Baumol, in his book ‘Business behaviour, Value and Growth’ has propounded a theory of Sales Maximisation. Main aim of a firm is to maximise sales. By sales he meant total revenue earned by the sale of goods. That is why this goal is also referred to as Sales Maximisation Goal.
Where is sales maximisation?
Sales maximisation is also known as growth maximisation. Sales maximisation involves supplying the largest output possible consistent with earning at least normal profits where average revenue = average cost (AR=AC).
Why do firms prefer sales maximization?
In the short-run, when output cannot be increased, revenue can be increased by raising the price. But in the long- run, it would in the interest of the sales maximisation firm to keep the price low in order to compete more effectively for a large share of the market to earn more revenue.
How do you maximize sales?
Increase sales
- INTRODUCE NEW PRODUCTS OR SERVICE. Provide a broader range of products or services for your clients.
What are the assumptions of Baumol theory?
The Baumol model is based on the following assumptions: The firm is able to forecast its cash requirements in an accurate way. The firm’s payouts are uniform over a period of time. The opportunity cost of holding cash is known and does not change with time.