What does s3 do in the USMC?
What does s3 do in the USMC?
The Marine Corps Engineer School S-3 coordinates, deconflicts, manages and tracks operations and training requirements in order to meet command priorities and mission requirements.
What does S-1 mean USMC?
The S-1 is the Administration Officer that handles the information of all cadet human resources including personnel readiness, personnel services and headquarters management. Specific duties are: 1. Provides administrative support for battalion.
What is s6 in the Marines?
The S-6 Officer serves as Chief Information Officer to the Commanding Officer by providing strategic guidance on impacts imposed on the command by current and emerging technologies supporting command and control capabilities in addition to network centric instruction throughout all formal schools.
What does the s4 do in the USMC?
The S-4 Officer is the principal staff officer responsible for the maintenance, upkeep, and logistical support of Marine Corps Engineer School (MCES) and the Courthouse Bay Area.
What is S1 S2 S3 S4 military?
Jump to section: S1 (Personnel Officer) S2 (Intelligence Officer) S3 (Training Officer) S4 (Logistics Officer) AS3 (Assistant Training Officer)
What does a battalion XO do?
Description: The cadet battalion executive officer (XO) supervises, directs, and coordinates the cadet battalion staff to prevent overlapping efforts and to ensure that the commander’s desires are understood and achieved.
What rank is battalion S3?
For example, in a battalion, the S-3 would hold the rank of major (like the battalion XO), while the remaining staff officers are captains or lieutenants.
Is XO higher than CO?
At the top and comparable to a city’s mayor is the ship’s Commanding Officer (CO), who is ultimately responsible for the entire ship and the accomplishment of its assigned mission. Next in line and acting as city manager is the Executive Officer (XO).