What does render null and void means?

Definition of null and void : having no force, binding power, or validity.

Will void and rendered be null?

Canceled, invalid, as in The lease is now null and void. This phrase is actually redundant, since null means “void,” that is, “ineffective.” It was first recorded in 1669.

What is rendered void?

having no effect; useless. all our efforts were rendered void. 6. (of a card suit or player) having no cards in a particular suit. a void spade suit.

Is null and void the same?

The difference between null and void as term for nothing stems from their place in physical space. A void is nothing but takes up space; null is nothing at all. In other words, you could measure a void but null offers nothing to measure.

What do you mean by Null?

having no value
1 : having no legal or binding force : invalid a null contract. 2 : amounting to nothing : nil the null uselessness of the wireless transmitter that lacks a receiving station— Fred Majdalany. 3 : having no value : insignificant … news as null as nothing …—

What does NULL mean court?

Of no legal validity, force
Of no legal validity, force, or effect; nothing. As used in the phrase null and void, refers to something that binds no one or is incapable of giving rise to any rights or duties under any circumstances.

What does null mean court?

having no legal or binding force
Legal Definition of null : having no legal or binding force : void a null contract.

What voided means?

The definition of voided is that something was declared invalid. When a contract was made but then declared invalid, this is an example of a voided contract. adjective.

What is NULL in data structure?

Null is actually a value, whereas Void is a data type identifier. A variable that is given a Null value simply indicates an empty value. Void is used to identify pointers as having no initial size. Null means never existed. Void means it existed but has been made such that it is not in effect.

What does data null mean?

data value does not exist in
Null or NULL is a special marker used in Structured Query Language to indicate that a data value does not exist in the database.

What is an example of render null and void?

render null and void Examples Stem Match all exact any words � The Adoption Act was rendered null and voidby the Family Code. UN-2 The earlier consultation was accordingly abrogated and rendered null and void. not-set The Adoption Act was rendered null and voidby the Family Code

What is the meaning of null?

1 Having no legal force; invalid: render a contract null and void. 2 Of no consequence, effect, or value; insignificant. 3 Amounting to nothing; absent or nonexistent: a null result. 4 Mathematics Of or relating to a set having no members or to zero magnitude. More

What has been rendered null and void by the Marriage Act?

The review of the Marriage Act has rendered null and voidthe restrictions on married women’s capacity to go to court MultiUn My promise was rendered null and voidby the fact that the terrorists that Gredenko is helping have three more bombs opensubtitles2

What is null in the sight of all good moralists?

“A compactum which is entered into through ignorance, or in duresse, is null in the sight of all good moralists,” cried the Doctor. He was null. He was probably a worthy member of society, a good husband and father, an honest broker; but there was no reason to waste one’s time over him.