What does razzia mean?

a plundering and destructive incursion
Definition of razzia : a plundering and destructive incursion : foray, raid.

What language is razzia?

Borrowed from French razzia, from Algerian Arabic غَزِيَّة‎ (ḡaziya), equalling Arabic غَزْوَة‎ (ḡazwa, “raid, military campaign”).

What is the razzia in the hiding place?

A razzia is a lightning fast search and seizure conducted by German troops who are looking for young Dutchmen to work in German munitions factories. What was a razzia? Peter and his older brother hide in the floorboards under a table, but their younger sister, who cannot tell a lie, tells the soldiers they are there.

What does deliberateness mean?

1 : showing careful thought a deliberate decision. 2 : done or said on purpose a deliberate lie. 3 : slow in action : not hurried a deliberate pace.

Why is Corrie becoming uneasy?

Corrie is becoming uneasy because there are too many people involved in the Underground, and there are too many people living in the small Beje.

What is Meyer Mossel renamed at the BEJE?

Meyer Mossel was nicknamed Eusie when he lived in Corrie ten Boom’s home. He was a high-risk Jewish man because he had distinct features that made him stand out. Read about how Eusie came to live at the Beje and his relationship with the others in the home.

What means drawled?

: to speak slowly with vowels greatly prolonged. transitive verb. : to utter in a slow lengthened tone. drawl.

Why was Otto fired?

Christoffels is too proud to tell Father, but when Otto smashes his nose Father discovers what’s been happening and fires Otto. Willem explains to the family that Otto’s behavior stems from the Nazi ethos, which denigrates the old and physically weak as “useless” to society.

Who is Otto in the hiding place?

A young German and proud Nazi who briefly serves as Father’s apprentice, a few years before the war. During his time at the watch shop, Otto begins to abuse Christoffels with almost sociopathic violence, tripping him and even hitting him when he’s outside the safety of the Beje.