What does purple communications do?

Purple Communications Inc. is a leading U.S. provider of video relay services (VRS), video remote interpreting (VRI), and on-site interpreting services.

What is P3 purple?

Purple P3– the best video call experience is now better than better! With the Purple P3 app, anyone deaf or hard-of-hearing living in the U.S. can make and receive videophone calls directly from a laptop or desktop computer. P3 Desktop is the answer to your home and office communication needs.

What is purple Relay Service?

Purple’s Video Relay Service (VRS) is a type of telecommunications service that allows deaf and hard of hearing persons to communicate in American Sign Language with voice telephone users, utilizing an interpreter by way of a video phone, tablet, smartphone, or computer with a webcam and internet connection.

Who is the CEO of Purple Communications?

Chris Wagner. “Sherri is not only the CEO at ZVRS and Purple Communications. She is an AMAZING leader, mentor and most of all, an advocate for equal access for ALL! ”

How many employees does Purple Communications have?

Company Growth (employees)

Employees (est.) (May 2022) 703
Job Openings 173
Website Visits (Feb 2022) 12.3 k
Cybersecurity rating B

What is a VRS interpreter?

What is purple for deaf?

What is VP phone?

For example: (916) 555-1234 /vp. Answer: If you see a “vp” after a phone number, it means that number is for “video phone” use. The letters “VRS” stand for “Video Relay Service.” A “VRS” provides video interpreting between Deaf and Hearing people.

How do you use VRI?

VRI works by using videoconferencing equipment at both locations. The interpreter, who is typically at a call center, uses a headset to hear what the hearing person says. As the hearing person speaks, the interpreter signs everything said to a web camera.

How do deaf people make a VRS call through purple?

Is it expensive for people to use VRS?

No. There are no ongoing costs. VRS calls are paid for by the TRS Fund established by the FCC and funded by other telecommunications users. Sorenson provides the videophones and related software at no cost to you.