What does protuberant stomach contour mean?

Protuberant abdomen is unusual convexity of the abdomen usually caused by poor muscle tone or excessive subcutaneous fat.

Why do newborns have protuberant bellies large liver?

Babies do not have much muscle tone, so their bellies will appear rather round and protuberant. You may notice a ridge poking out in the middle, running up and down their bellies; this is called diastasis recti. This is normal and will eventually go away.

How do I get rid of my protuberant stomach?

How to get rid of a belly bulge

  1. Diet and exercise. Increasing your activity level and eating healthier foods and fewer calories can help you lose overall weight.
  2. Medications. Some medications may help with belly bulge, including:
  3. Reduce stress.
  4. Get more sleep.
  5. Surgery.

What are the causes of distended abdomen?


  • Air swallowing (a nervous habit)
  • Buildup of fluid in the abdomen (this can be a sign of a serious medical problem)
  • Gas in the intestines from eating foods that are high in fiber (such as fruits and vegetables)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • Ovarian cyst.
  • Partial bowel blockage.
  • Pregnancy.

What are abnormal bowel sounds?

Increased (hyperactive) bowel sounds can sometimes be heard even without a stethoscope. Hyperactive bowel sounds mean there is an increase in intestinal activity. This may happen with diarrhea or after eating. Abdominal sounds are always evaluated together with symptoms such as: Gas.

Is it normal for a baby to have big tummy?

Abdomen. It’s normal for a baby’s abdomen (belly) to appear somewhat full and rounded. When your baby cries or strains, you may also note that the skin over the central area of the abdomen may protrude between the strips of muscle tissue making up the abdominal wall on either side.

How do you describe an abdominal exam?

The abdominal exam consists of a number of components, the most basic being inspection, auscultation for bowel sounds, percussion, and palpation. The exam must be completed in this order as palpation before auscultation can lead to an inaccurate representation of bowel sounds.