What does postmortem meat inspection mean?

Post-mortem inspection covers the inspection of the carcasses and parts of meat and poultry used for human food. It takes place after ante-mortem inspection and after the animal or poultry has been slaughtered thus the term “post-mortem,” meaning “after death” in Latin.

What should you look for when inspecting meat?

Meat Inspectors identify meat as: Healthy (no disease), Sound (clean, sanitary), Wholesome (not adulterated), Properly Labeled (it is what it says it is). Detection and destruction of diseased meat and/or contaminated meat. Minimization of microbiological contamination of meat.

How does the USDA define meat?

Meat is defined as the flesh of animals (including fishes and birds) used as food, that can be part of a healthful diet. Meat is a major source of key nutrients, such as high-quality protein, iron, and B vitamins for many Americans.

What are meat quality parameters?

Meat quality can be evaluated according to the following parameters: pH, amount of lactic acid, volatile fatty acids, bounded water, solubility of proteins, color, and tenderness. The meat composition and physical properties of muscles have been characterized for ensuring improved eating quality.

What are 4 type of meat?

This includes beef, pork, goat, and lamb. Poultry: Commonly referred to as white meat, poultry includes chicken and turkey. Seafood: That includes fish, as well as crustaceans, like crab and lobster, and molluscs, like clams, oysters, scallops, and mussels.

What are the three grades of meat?

The first three quality grades — Prime, Choice and Select — are the most commonly recognized by consumers and are considered food-grade labels by USDA.

What are the 5 yield grades of beef?

December 2013 SP 755 Page 2 University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture 2 There are five yield grades: USDA yield grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. The lower the numerical value of the USDA yield grade, the higher the expected yield of closely trimmed, boneless retail cuts.

How is meat quality measured?

Meat Quality

  1. Visual Identification. The visual identification of quality meat is based on colour, marbling and waterholding capacity.
  2. Smell. Another quality factor is smell.
  3. Firmness. Meat should appear firm rather than soft.
  4. Juiciness.
  5. Tenderness.
  6. Flavour.

What different grading levels are used for meat?

There are five quality grades: Prime, Choice, Good, Utility, and Cull.