What does PLA2R positive mean?
What does PLA2R positive mean?
Anti-phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) antibodies are highly specific for the diagnosis of primary membranous nephropathy. As many as 70% to 75% of patients with primary membranous nephropathy are positive for anti-PLA2R. A titer increase, decrease, or disappearance generally precedes a change in clinical status.
What is PLA2R membranous nephropathy?
Membranous nephropathy (MN) occurs when circulating antibodies permeate the glomerular basement membrane and in the subepithelial space, form immune complexes with epitopes on podocyte membranes.
Where is PLA2R?
In human glomeruli, PLA2R is only expressed in the podocytes [8], and podocytes are epithelial cells separated from circulation by the GBM.
What is the treatment for membranous nephropathy?
There is no specific treatment for membranous nephropathy. Supportive care with the use of diuretics and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in combination with angiotensin II receptor blocker is recommended, but these agents have only a limited effect.
What is membranous nephropathy kidney disease?
Membranous nephropathy (MEM-bruh-nus nuh-FROP-uh-thee) occurs when the small blood vessels in the kidney (glomeruli), which filter wastes from the blood, become damaged and thickened. As a result, proteins leak from the damaged blood vessels into the urine (proteinuria).
What is the cause of membranous nephropathy?
Often, membranous nephropathy results from some type of autoimmune activity. Your body’s immune system mistakes healthy tissue as foreign and attacks it with substances called autoantibodies. These autoantibodies target certain proteins located in the kidney’s filtering systems (glomeruli).
What is the diet for nephrotic syndrome?
A healthy diet for Nephrotic Syndrome patients consists of low salt, low fat, and low cholesterol, with an emphasis on fruits and vegetables. NOTE: The amount of protein and fluid a patient with Nephrotic Syndrome should have depends on the patient’s current condition, age, and weight.
How serious is membranous nephropathy?
In many, the disease ultimately leads to kidney failure. There’s no absolute cure for membranous nephropathy, but successful treatment can lead to remission of proteinuria and a good long-term outlook.
Is membranous nephropathy an autoimmune disease?
Membranous nephropathy (MN) is a type of glomerular disease and is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease is caused when your body’s defense system turns against you and harms your body when it should be protecting you. Your defense system is known as your immune system which is “turned on” by glomerular disease.
Is membranous nephropathy life threatening?
In mild cases, membranous nephropathy may get better on its own, without any treatment. As protein leakage increases, so does the risk of long-term kidney damage. In many, the disease ultimately leads to kidney failure.