What does peculation mean?

Legal Definition of peculation : misappropriation especially of public funds.

What is an example of peculation?

If you embezzle, especially if you steal public funds for your own private use, then you peculate that money. To peculate is, of course, illegal — if you’re caught, you can serve jail time.

Which of the following are synonyms for the word Peculate?

Synonyms of peculate

  • embezzle,
  • misapply,
  • misappropriate,
  • misuse.

How to use peculate in a sentence?

Peculate in a Sentence ?

  1. Because Adam needed money to pay his bills, it was hard for him to fight the temptation to peculate funds from the bank.
  2. We were shocked when we learned our pastor had chosen to peculate money from our daycare fund to pay for a prostitute’s services.

What is peculation What are the causes of peculation?

Meaning of peculation in English. the act of illegally taking or using money, especially public money, that you are responsible for managing: The cabinet minister is being held on charges of peculation of government funds.

What is purloining in writing?

transitive verb. : to appropriate wrongfully and often by a breach of trust.

How do you use noncommittal in a sentence?

Examples of noncommittal in a Sentence She would only give noncommittal answers about her plans. The president remained noncommittal, saying only that all options would be considered.

What’s the opposite of proclivity?

Opposite of an affection or proclivity for a person, activity or thing. aversion. disinclination. nolition. averseness.

How do you use proclivity in a sentence?

Proclivity sentence example

  1. I prefer to work with people that have a proclivity to be efficient and reliable.
  2. Anna was very worried about her son going to kindergarten because he has a proclivity to misbehave.
  3. After watching others succeed by working hard, I have a proclivity to behave like them.

How do you use vitriolic in a sentence?

He poured seven vials of vitriolic criticism upon him, but he never met his logical arguments. When some reports have said that trains were running 10 or 14 minutes late, there have been vitriolic letters and hollow laughter from my constituents.

What is speculation in simple words?

Definition of speculation : an act or instance of speculating: such as. a : assumption of unusual business risk in hopes of obtaining commensurate gain. b : a transaction involving such speculation.