What does Ocpaa stand for?

Welcome to Orange County Performing Arts Academy.

What is Silhouette Dance?

Silhouette Dance Studio is dedicated to the life development of girls and boys through the wonderful method of dance. For over a decade, Silhouette has strived to help all dancers through their own “dance journey”.

What studio are the Crazy 8s from?

OCPAA Dance Studio
The Crazy 8’s – OCPAA Dance Studio.

What causes a silhouette?

Silhouette Photography Lighting A silhouette effect is created when a light source is placed behind your subject, with little to no light in front of your subject. If your subject is totally backlit, with the right camera settings, you’ll be able to capture a gorgeous, crisp silhouette shot.

How old is NAIA Parker?

Naia Parker (born on November 19, 2008) is a young dancer from California, who trains at the OCPAA. In 2019, she competed with her team the Crazy 8’s on season 3 of NBC’s World of Dance….

Naia Parker
Gender Female
Age 13
Birthdate November 19, 2008
Nationality Asian American

How old are the Crazy 8 dancers?

Their choreographer is Amy Berokoff and the dancers consist of Kendyl Fay, Alyssa Park, Delaney Bojorquez, Rylee Young, Ella Montano, Naia Parker, Hope Edwards, and Sammi Chung. The ages of the girls range from 11 – 13. They all dance and train at Orange County Performing Arts Academy (OCPAA).

What is a dance canon?

canon – this technique requires dancers to take it in turns to perform a movement that is then identically copied and performed by others. unison – this technique requires dancers to move at the same time as each other.

What is silhouette and examples?

The definition of a silhouette is the outline or general shape of an object. An example of silhouette is a profile drawing of someone cut from black paper. noun. 1. Silhouette is defined as to create the general shape or outline of something.

Are silhouettes important?

A silhouette shows the shape of the subject without any detail. For this reason, silhouettes are particularly useful and work well as symbols in logo design. A style can define the visual and emotional mood of an organization and it is achieved through the use of images, typeface and color.

How old is NAIA Crazy 8s?

Naia Parker (born on November 19, 2008) is a young dancer from California, who trains at the OCPAA. In 2019, she competed with her team the Crazy 8’s on season 3 of NBC’s World of Dance….

Naia Parker
Age 13
Birthdate November 19, 2008
Nationality Asian American
Hometown Anaheim, California