What does OAT mean on antifreeze?

organic additive technology
An organic additive technology (OAT) coolant contains only organic corrosion inhibitors such as carboxylates and triazole. The carboxylate acid inhibitors used in OAT coolants have very low depletion rates.

What color antifreeze is OAT?

The Colors of Coolant

OAT (Organic Acid Technology) Organic Acids ORANGE
HOAT (Hybrid OAT) Silicates & Organic Acids YELLOW
HOAT (Hybrid OAT, Phosphate-free) NAP Free TURQUOISE
P-HOAT (Phosphated HOAT) Phosphates & Organic Acids PINK

Is OAT coolant better?

OAT coolants last longer than IAT coolants, but they don’t do as good a job limiting corrosion within the cooling system. HOAT coolant offers the best of both worlds: The corrosion resistance of IAT coolant. The long life of OAT.

Is all OAT antifreeze the same?

Present in newer cars all over the world, OAT coolant color ranges from pink, orange, bright red, red, blue and dark green. Organic Additive Technology as it is referred to in some owner’s manuals, is the same as Organic Acid Technology, unless your owner’s manual says differently.

Can you use OAT coolant in all vehicles?

Yes. Prestone is an OAT coolant/antifreeze but also contains anti-corrosion ingredients to protect your cooling system. It can be used in all cars effectively, offering the same levels of protection, and without any damage.

Can I use OAT coolant in my car?

Cars made after 1998 normally need antifreeze that uses silicate-free, organic acid technology (OAT). These types of antifreeze offer better corrosion protection so that parts don’t need to be changed as often. Cars made before 1998 usually need antifreeze that isn’t OAT-based and that does contain silicate.

Who uses OAT coolant?

If you have a red coolant in your cooling system, you have an Extended Life Coolant. This coolant is recommended for use in Toyota, Scion, and Lexus. It can be used in any engine requiring an OAT engine coolant. Red coolant offers 150k miles of protection.

Can you mix different OAT coolants?

OAT coolants use organic acids in order to prevent corrosion. Some people believe that they can mix the two. This is a mistake and can lead to expensive repairs. The two coolants should never be mixed together as they do not react well.

What happens if you mix Hoat and OAT coolant?

Mixing IAT with OAT, HOAT or NOAT antifreezes will not damage your vehicle’s cooling system; however the mixture will negate the long life/extended life attributes of these formulations. In conclusion, there are a variety of colors available, including oranges, reds, greens, yellows, blues, clear and pink dye colors.

Is Prestone an oat antifreeze?

Can you top off coolant with a different brand?

You should never mix different types of coolant if you are not an expert on the chemical composition and reactions of the various types. Stay on the safe side and follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. Using the wrong type of coolant can lead to expensive repair costs.

Is zerex G 05 OAT?

Premium Member. This is what I can tell you about G05: it is a hybrd OAT formula.