What does nontoxic thyroid nodule mean?

A nontoxic goiter is a diffuse or nodular enlargement of the thyroid gland that does not result from an inflammatory or neoplastic process and is not associated with abnormal thyroid function.

Can a nontoxic multinodular goiter be cancerous?

Multinodular goiters (MNG) have recently been shown to have an incidence of cancer that approaches that of solitary thyroid nodule. However, fine needle aspiration (FNA) of a MNG is limited due to the presence of multiple nodules.

Is a nontoxic thyroid nodule cancerous?

More than 95 percent of thyroid nodules are benign (noncancerous), but tests are needed to determine if a nodule is cancerous. Benign nodules include: Multinodular goiter, also called a nontoxic goiter. The word goiter means the thyroid gland has grown too large.

What causes nontoxic multinodular goiter?

See Hyperthyroidism ยป.) or non-toxic (i.e. does not make too much thyroid hormone). It is not known what causes multinodular goiters in most cases, but iodine deficiency (i.e. too little iodine in the diet) and certain genetic factors have been shown to lead to multinodular goiters.

What is the difference between toxic and nontoxic multinodular goiter?

Examples of toxic goiters include diffuse toxic goiter (Graves disease), toxic multinodular goiter, and toxic adenoma (Plummer disease). Nontoxic goiter: A goiter without hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism is described as a nontoxic goiter.

How is nontoxic goiter treated?

Treatment of Simple Nontoxic Goiter Iodine may be added to salt, water, or crops to eliminate iodine deficiency in the area. People should stop eating foods that inhibit thyroid hormone production. When diet is not a cause, some people may be given thyroid hormone replacement with levothyroxine.

How do you treat a non toxic goiter?

What does nontoxic goiter mean?

Nontoxic goiter is thyroid gland enlargement with no disturbance in the thyroid function. It is not due to inflammation or neoplasia. The goiter may be diffuse or a localized growth.

How do you treat a non-toxic multinodular goiter?

One treatment for both toxic and non-toxic goiters is radioiodine therapy. The medication helps reduce the size of thyroid tissue. In the case of toxic goiters, it also shuts down abnormal thyroid hormone production. The goiter typically shrinks 2 to 6 months after treatment, although it may take up to a year.

What are the symptoms of non-toxic goiter?

Symptoms of Simple Nontoxic Goiter People typically notice a swelling at the base of the neck but have no other symptoms. Sometimes the goiter presses on nearby tissue and causes cough, hoarseness, or difficulty breathing or swallowing. In people with subacute thyroiditis. (See also Overview of the Thyroid Gland.)