What does no writable partition found mean?

‘No writable WD SmartWare partition found’ is an error that usually makes the Western external hard drive not recognized or inaccessible. Just like the case mentioned above, many users have troubled by this issue on the Western Digital hard drive, especially on My Passport in Windows operating system and Mac.

How do I reset my WD My Passport Ultra hard drive?

Insert your paperclip into the hole and depress the “Reset” button. Hold the button down for 10 seconds and release. After 40 seconds the drive will reboot. This is a “long” reset and your drive will be completely reset to factory settings.

How do I partition my WD My Passport external hard drive?

To partition external hard drive:

  1. Connect your WD external hard drive to your computer, and open Disk Management.
  2. Right-click the existing volume on the portable hard drive, choose “Shrink Volume” in the drop down menu and follow the Shrink Volume Wizard to shrink the partition to get unallocated space or free space.

How do I bypass WD Unlocker?

13 Answers

  1. Connect your hard drive that you want to remove WD unlocker from.
  2. Double click on WD security and and a box for “”Edit Security Setting” will pop-up.
  3. There is an option for “Remove Password”, if it is not already selected, select it.
  4. Put in your password and click “Update Security Setting.”

How do I fix my WD external hard drive not recognized?

Locate and right-click on your WD drive and click Change Drive Letter and Paths…. Click Change. Then select from the drop-down menu to assign a letter and click OK. Restart your computer and check if your WD external hard drive not recognized problem has been solved.

How do I fix my WD Passport not recognized?

Reconnect the WD drive via a new USB hub or to a new PC.

  1. If the WD Passport drive shows up, it is the damaged USB hub that stops WD from showing up.
  2. If the WD passport is not detected either on your current or the new PC, replace the WD drive with a new one.

How do I initialize a Western Digital hard drive?

● Fix 1: initialize WD drive in Disk Management

  1. Right click the “This PC” icon on the desktop and hit the “Manage” option.
  2. Right click on the WD drive that needs initializing and select “Initialize Disk”.
  3. Follow the wizard to initialize the WD drive as MBR or GPT disk.

Do I need to format a new WD external hard drive?

If you buy an external drive—such as one of our recommended portable or desktop hard drives, portable solid-state drives, or USB 3.0 flash drives—you may need to reformat it to work with your operating system of choice, since different operating systems use different file systems to process data.

How do I remove the lock on my passport ultra?

The option will be located under Settings> Drive Settings> Security, It will ask you for your current password, and then it will give you an option named “Remove Security”. If your unit uses WD Security, then please open WD Security and unlock your drive. The option to remove security will become available after this.

How do I unlock my passport ultra?

You can also click either: Go > Applications >WD Security > Applications >WD Drive Utilities 2 if you do not see the Unlock Drive dialog. You can display the Unlock Drive dialog if you have more than one supported device connected to your computer.

How do I reformat a Western Digital external hard drive?

Plug in the drive and open Windows Explorer. Right-click the drive and choose Format from the drop-down menu. Select the file system you want, give your drive a name under “Volume label,” and make sure the Quick Format box is checked. Click Start, and the computer will reformat your drive.