What does NB mean in Wuthering Heights?
What does NB mean in Wuthering Heights?
N.B. [Latin nota bene] mark well; used to call attention to an item.
What is a moon cricket?
moon cricket / mo͞onˈkrikit / noun. Derived from the antebellum colloquial slur for slaves who, weary and working through the night, maintained through chanting and song.
What does hale and sinewy mean?
hale. exhibiting or restored to vigorous good health. Joseph was an elderly, nay, an old man–very old, perhaps, though hale and sinewy. sinewy. possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful.
What is vexatious phlegm?
Vexatious. “His man climed the cellar steps with vexatious phlegm.” Causing or tending to cause annoyance, frustration, or worry. Loath. Context not available.
What is a milk cricket?
Milking in cricket refers to scoring a steady stream of easy runs without or with the least risk of getting out during a cricket match. This is only possible if pitches executed by the bowler are poor. Poor gaps in the field can also create milking or milk the bowling during a cricket match.
What is a jungle bunny?
noun Slang: Extremely Disparaging and Offensive. a contemptuous term used to refer to a Black person.
What is a Carde?
carde f (plural cardes) card (a machine for disentagling the fibres of wool prior to spinning) (botany) cardoon (perennial plant related to the artichoke) synonym ▲ Synonym: cardon. (cooking, in the plural) edible stalks of either cardoon or chard.
Whats is a carb?
Carn definition (Australia, informal) An exclamation of support or approval, usually for a sporting (especially football) team.
What does go to the deuce mean?
An exclamation used to emphasize surprise, shock, or bafflement. (“Deuce” is a minced oath in place of the word “devil.”) Just what the deuce is going on here?
What does the term mud Cricket mean?
Mud Cricket is the title of a song by the band BoonDock Branded. The song, and word, is slang for a female who wears short shorts, cowgirl boots, and likes lifted trucks.