What does my authentic happiness score mean?

A score of 10 indicates that you are “very happy” with that area, while a score of 1 shows how “very unhappy” you are. This scale is convenient to use since you can measure your own happiness.

What is the Authentic Happiness Inventory?

The Authentic Happiness Inventory (AHI) is a frequently used measure for the subjective assessment of happiness and is primarily used in positive psychology intervention studies. It has been argued that it is sensitive to detect subtle changes in happiness and differentiates happiness at very high levels.

What is the average Authentic Happiness score?

The Authentic Happiness Inventory Questionnaire, developed five years ago by Christopher Peterson (from the U. of Michigan) was reproduced as 24 questions in the newspaper. Matthew Trevisan reports that … thousands of people have taken the test online, with an average score of 3.24 out of five.

How do you gauge happiness?

Self-Reports. By far the most common way that researchers assess happiness is through self-reports. Using multiple-item scales or a single question, we simply ask people about their level of happiness. People think about their happiness, and it is a subjective state, so it makes sense to ask them about it.

Is the Authentic Happiness test free?

Take the VIA Survey of Character Strengths on the Authentic Happiness website, developed by The University of Pennsylvania’s Positive Psychology Center. This free assessment/questionnaire will give you some insight into what is most important in your life.

What is the Oxford happiness questionnaire?

The 29-item Oxford Happiness Questionnaire (OHQ) is a widely-used scale for assessment of personal happiness. While its psychometric properties are acknowledged to be acceptable, it presents scores on an ordinal scale and may thus not discriminate precisely between individual happiness levels.

Is Authentic Happiness free?