What does mopping-up mean in slang?

Mop-up definition (informal) The final phase of a project or task.

What does mopping-up the floor mean?

Defeat thoroughly, overwhelm
Defeat thoroughly, overwhelm, as in The young boxer said he was sure to mop up the floor with his opponent, or I just know we’ll wipe the floor with the competition. [ Late 1800s]

What does it mean to get mopped up?

mop up. 1. To clear (an area) of remaining enemy troops after a victory. 2. Informal To perform the minor tasks that conclude a project or an activity.

What is mopping-up in military terms?

serving to complete or put the finishing touches to a phase of a particular action. serving to complete a military campaign by killing or capturing any remaining enemy troops: a mopping-up operation.

What is mop up day?

MOP-UP DAY – AUGUST 17. Page 1. NATIONAL DEWORMING DAY – AUGUST 10. Children who could not be dewormed on National Deworming Day due to sickness or absenteeism should be dewormed on mop-up day.

What does moping around mean?

1 : to give oneself up to brooding : become listless or dejected I was feeling depressed and just moped around all day. 2 : to move slowly or aimlessly : dawdle the little woman does mope along in traffic— Paul Jones. 3 archaic : to act in a dazed or stupid manner. mope.

What is the meaning of sweep the floor?

to clean something, especially a floor by using a brush to collect the dirt into one place from which it can be removed: sweep the floor.

How do you use mop in a sentence?

Use “mop” in a sentence | “mop” sentence examples

  1. She bought a new white mop.
  2. You’d better mop up that pool of water on the floor before father sees it.
  3. He ran a hand through his mop of fair hair.
  4. I mop the kitchen floor twice a week.

What does mopping-up a fire mean?

For our wildland firefighters, mopping-up describes the hard physical labor process of extinguishing or removing burning material near control lines down to the mineral soil, felling fire damaged trees, and cooling ash pits to make a fireline less likely to escape or to reduce residual smoke.

What does mop up mean in firefighting?

Mop up is a term used to describe extinguishing residual fire to make sure it doesn’t continue to spread outside of an established containment area.

What is a mop up in fire?

What is mop up round in NEET Counselling?

NEET UG 2021 Mop-up Round: The seats which are left vacant after the two rounds of NEET counselling will now be filled through a mop-up round. A total of 6285 seats are available for the mop up round. News18.com New Delhi. Last Updated:March 20, 2022, 11:21 IST.