What does MOD stand for engineering?

Engineering drawing abbreviations and symbols

Abbreviation or symbol Definition
MIN minimum; minutes; minor
MMC maximum material condition
MOD, MoD Ministry of Defence [U.K. and others]
MOP, MoP measurement over pins

What did MOD stand for?

The term mod derives from modernist, a term used in the 1950s to describe modern jazz musicians and fans. This usage contrasted with the term trad, which described traditional jazz players and fans.

What is a mod position?

Manager On Duty. Business ยป Occupation & Positions. Rate it: MOD.

What does MOD mean in manufacturing?

manufacturing on demand
The phrase “manufacturing on demand” (MOD) is a manufacturing process wherein goods are produced when or as they are required. In traditional manufacturing, an assembly line works on standard shifts to produce large quantities of products, which are then kept in storage facilities until they are ready for shipping.

What does mod stand for in real estate?

The term MOD means Memorandum of deposit of title deed or popularly also known as Mortgage deed of your property.

What is mod in hotel industry?

MOD Manager on Duty. Person at a facility in charge of operations and/or guest relations for a certain period of time. Occupancy. Rate In hotel /motel industry, the percentage of total number of available sleeping rooms actually occupied.

What does mod stand for in retail?

MOD. Maintenance on Demand (customer service)

What does mod stand for in workplace?


Acronym Definition
MOD Maintenance on Demand
MOD Message Output Descriptor
MOD Motor Own Damage (insurance)
MOD Manager On Duty

What means mod work?

MOD. Modified Duties at Work. Employment, Job, Compensation.

What is a mod in management?

MOD stands for Management and Organization Division.

What is mod business?

MOD. Manufacture on Demand (technology; various companies)

Is mod mandatory for home loan?

The MOD becomes an essential piece of legal documentation that validates the ownership of the lender. It also explicitly states that a loan has been taken by the borrower on the property. The document also reflects on all the encumbrance certificates.