What does mixer mean in slang?

casual sociability
a : a person considered in regard to casual sociability was shy and a poor mixer. b : a nonalcoholic beverage (such as ginger ale) used in a mixed drink.

What is social mixer?

A mixer dance, dance mixer or simply mixer is a kind of participation dance in a social dance setting that involves changing partners as an integral part.

What happens at a mixer event?

The point of a social mixer is to enjoy the company of others who like the same things as you do or who come from the same background as you. Social-networking websites allow you to gather people with whom you have things in common and invite them to various events.

What do you wear to a mixer party?

The appropriate outfit for a young professional mixer can be a tough call. You don’t want to come off stuffy or be uncomfortable, but casual attire can suggest that you just showed up for the free booze. Business casual is best for occasions like this.

What is a mixer gathering?

Mixernoun. a social gathering, game, or dance organized to provide an opportunity for people to meet each other; as, on the first night of the conference they had a wine-and-cheese mixer.

Whats the difference between a mixer and a party?

A mixer is a closed party between one sorority and one fraternity. “Closed” means that members from other Greek organizations or non-members are not allowed to attend the oh-so exclusive party. Often, a sorority has a certain frat that they mix with the most and refer to that frat as their “brother” frat.

What kind of event is a mixer?

a social gathering, game, or dance organized to provide an opportunity for people to meet each other; as, on the first night of the conference they had a wine-and-cheese mixer.

What is a mixer date?

A mixer is another way for singles to come together to meet. Sometimes mixers are sponsored by singles organizations, non-profits who are hosting the event to raise money for a cause, faith-based organizations, etc. They differ from online dating, in that the people attending are not screened or fit a certain profile.

How should a singles mixer dress?

Dress in clothes that make you feel comfortable and attractive. For men, wear a suit, only if that is what you feel confident in on a daily basis. Otherwise, a clean outfit of jeans or pants and a nice shirt will work. For women, you can dress up or down.

What’s a holiday mixer?

The Upstream Virtual Holiday Mixer is a 20–30 minute event with a short intro from the host and then seamless break outs into 1×1 chats with 4 people for 5 minutes each.

What does a good mixer mean?

someone who is good/bad at meeting new people and talking to them: You get to know lots of people in college if you’re a good mixer.

How do you throw a social mixer?

After all, hosting a fun mixer to break the ice is one of the best ways to get a group of total strangers laughing and chatting like old friends….12 Great Social Mixer Ideas

  1. Find the perfect venue on Peerspace.
  2. Go on a scavenger hunt.
  3. Mix up the name tags.
  4. Play “guess my name”
  5. Make an art project together.