What does metal head mean in slang?

Definition of metalhead : a fan or performer of heavy metal.

What makes someone a metal head?

A metalhead is a fan or performer of metal music and associates themselves with the metal culture. Metal is a genre of rock n’ roll that became popularized in the 1970s and has evolved into many sub-genres. Metalhead posers come in an array of types and styles. If you aren’t careful, you might be or become one.

Are metal Heads happier?

Metalheads are among the happiest fans in any music genre, according to new study. Heavy metal has long been believed to be the realm of the pissed-off and dispossessed, but according to a new study, its fans are some of the happiest around.

Are metal Heads smarter?

Metalheads are, statistically speaking, more likely to be intellectually and emotionally smart, more likely to have a complex appreciation for music and are even more likely to succeed as self-employed entrepreneurs (which ain’t easy, as you’ll know if you’ve ever tried working for yourself).

How can a girl dress like a metalhead?

A typical metalhead outfit involves a black band T-shirt, tight black pants, and sneakers. Then you can add a variety of accessories like denim jackets, jewelry, hats, and belts. Metal fashion can be as diverse as the people listening to the music, but these are common starting points for a metalhead outfit.

What do metalheads look like?

Are metalheads nice people?

But beyond the music sounding the same and sharing similar standards of excellence, metalheads and classical fans also share similar temperaments. According to studies out of Heriot-Watt University, both groups of fans tend to be creative and gentle individuals, comfortable in their own skin.

Is Meathead an insult?

(slang) An ungainly, dull or stupid person; someone who is lazy, disrespectful and/or whose beliefs and philosophies clash with another.