What does medium mean in current Custody?
What does medium mean in current Custody?
Medium custody inmates means those persons who require a moderate level of staff supervision and secure accommodations against escape, but who can be allowed to participate in group activities.
What are the different levels of inmates?
The Federal Bureau of Prisons houses inmates in five different prison security levels. These include Minimum, Low, Medium, High, and Administrative.
What does maximum classification mean in jail?
Maximum Custody. The security category with the highest degree of custody and supervision practices. It uses highly secure housing, restricts inmates to their cells, and has separate management procedures for activities.
What is the difference between minimum and medium security prisons?
Minimum security facilities often house those who committed white collar crimes, or low level drug offenses. Medium and maximum security prisons house more serious offenders, but inmates can also be sent to serve time in a lower security facilities for things like good behavior at the end of a sentence.
What is inmate classification used for?
An inmate will be classified as: maximum security where the inmate is assessed by the Service as: presenting a high probability of escape and a high risk to the safety of the public in the event of escape, or.
What is the difference between medium and minimum security prisons?
Medium security prisons have double fences instead of the triple fences. Minimum security prisons have the least amount of security. Some inmates are allowed to work in work-camps outside of the prisons, which are supervised by prison guards. Two or more inmates usually share a cell.
What kind of criminals go to medium security prisons?
Medium-security federal prisons house all manner of federal inmates. This includes inmates convicted of federal drug offenses, white-collar crimes, sexual offenses, and others. As such, there are no specific medium-security prison crimes. Inmates designated to medium-security prisons may have a history of violence.
What is the custody rating scale?
Custody Rating Scale : a research-based tool used to assist in assessing the most appropriate level of security for the penitentiary placement of an inmate. Dangerous Offender : an offender who is subject to a designation by the court under section 753 of the Criminal Code .
What are the five levels of bop?
Bureau of Prisons (BOP) institutions are classified into one of five security levels: MINIMUM, LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, and ADMINISTRATIVE based on the level of security and staff supervision the institution is able to provide.