What does mean when my 4×4 high light flashing?

A lot of the time, a flashing 4WD light is no reason to be alarmed, because it simply means that the system is working as designed. On vehicles where four-wheel drive is only activated on demand — that is to say, when traction conditions require it — this light shows up to tell you that it’s been activated.

How do you turn off the 4×4 in a 2002 Ford Explorer?

Turning off the 4×4 on Your Ford Explorer is accomplished by pressing one of the three buttons on Your dash by Your radio labeled 4×4 High, 4×4 Low, and 4×4 Auto. You need to be in neutral, and then push one of the buttons to go into, or out of, that mode.

Is it OK to drive with service 4WD light on?

When the 4WD light appears, it is letting you know that there is an issue with the 4WD system and it must be handled promptly. Another reason why this light may occur is an incomplete shift in gears. This is confusing and damaging to the engine and could result in your 4WD service light flashing continuously.

How do I get my Ford Explorer out of 4×4 low?

If that doesn’t work, try starting the truck put the transmission gear selector in neuteral. Then put the 4×4 switch/button into 4 low for a few seconds. Now put the 4×4 switch into 4 hi and then 2wd. Now put the transmission gear selector into drive or reverse move the truck 20-30 feet and it should be ok.

How do I get rid of 4WD service?

To reset the Change Oil light turn the ignition on but do not start and then push the gas pedal 3 times. The Service 4WD light is most likely the 4WD switch on the dashboard. If the lights are acting funny then the switch needs to be replaced.

How do I get my 4WD unstuck?

If your truck is stuck in 4wd low, follow these steps:

  1. First, put your truck into neutral and wait ten seconds or longer.
  2. Next, shift your truck gear into 4wd high and wait another ten seconds or longer.
  3. Now, shift your truck into 2wd.