What does MDR mean in LOL?
What does MDR mean in LOL?
dying of laughter
Their version of LOL is “MDR,” or mort de rire, which means you’re “dying of laughter.” And if you want to give hugs and kisses to your bae, you wouldn’t tell them “XOXO;” you’d say “biz,” a shortening of “bisous,” the french word for a kiss.
What does PTDR mean in French slang?
broken with laughter
Ptdr (pété de rire) : broken with laughter. Xptdr (explosé de rire) : exploded with laughter.
What’s the meaning of MDR in French?
(= mort de rire) LOL.
Do French people say MDR?
Mdr stands for mort de rire – dying of laughter. It is the French equivalent of LOL (‘laugh out loud’ in anglophone internet parlance). Initially, MDR or Mdr was a very common acronym used in text messages, online forums and gaming.
What does MDR mean in text messaging?
MDR (mort de rire) – LOL (laugh out loud.
What does MBR stand for?
Acronym | Definition |
MBR | Monthly Budget Report |
MBR | Medical Billing & Reimbursement |
MBR | Merit-Based Regulation |
MBR | Maryland Business Review (magazine) |
What is a MBR relationship?
Mutually Beneficial Relationship (various organizations) MBR.
What does NBR mean in text?
Acronym | Definition |
NBR | New Business Request (various locations) |
NBR | Neutral Base Region |
NBR | Nonborrowed Reserves (banking) |
NBR | Not Baby Related (mommy message board) |
What LOL means in chat?
laugh out loud
Definition of LOL laugh out loud; laughing out loud.
What is MBR after a name?
A master boot record (MBR) is a special type of boot sector at the very beginning of partitioned computer mass storage devices like fixed disks or removable drives intended for use with IBM PC-compatible systems and beyond.