What does Malcolm mean when he says Be this the whetstone of your sword?

In this metaphor, Malcolm compares Macduff’s grief to a stone used for sharpening a sword, urging him to let grief sharpen, not dull, his desire for revenge.

WHO SAID be this the whetstone of your sword?

‘ Witches (Act IV, Scene I). One of the witches’ most famous lines from Macbeth, and a passage many fans of the play relish, is when the witches speak in rhyming riddles whilst stirring a potion in their fiery cauldron. ‘Be this the whetstone of your sword.

What does Malcolm say Macbeth’s name does?

Malcolm describes Macbeth as “bloody, / Luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful, / Sudden, malicious, smacking of every sin / That has a name” (lines 70–73). Malcolm describe Macbeth as “[d]evilish” (line 136).

What does Macbeth say about the blood on his hands?

Ironically, when she later goes mad, she sees blood on her hands that she cannot wash away, no matter how much water she uses. Telling Malcolm and Donalbain of their father’s murder, Macbeth says, “The spring, the head, the fountain of your blood / Is stopp’d; the very source of it is stopp’d” (2.3. 98-99).

Why does Malcolm say the following lines to Macduff Be this the whetstone of your sword Let grief convert to anger Blunt not the heart enrage it?

Be this the whetstone of your sword, let grief Convert to anger: Blunt not the heart, enrage it. -meaning=Macduff’s family have just been murdered on the order of Macbeth. Malcolm is telling him to let his anger drive him on to seek revenge on Macbeth.

What does the quote by the pricking of my thumbs something wicked this way comes mean?

Something wicked this way comes. This line occurs after the witches have finished brewing their potion. The witch is refering to the coming of Macbeth to their heath, when he comes to find out more about his prophecy.

What does Malcolm say when he kills Macbeth?

That speak my salutation in their minds; Whose voices I desire aloud with mine: Hail, King of Scotland! Hail, King of Scotland!

What is Macbeth’s motto?

“Fair is foul, and foul is fair.”

What does Whetstone mean in Macbeth?

Malcolm is telling him to let his anger drive him on to seek revenge on Macbeth. A whetstone is what you use to sharpen a sword, hence “be this the whetstone of your sword”, means let your anger sharpen your readiness for battle.