What does Loynes mean?

the hips and the inner surface of the legs where they join the trunk of the body; crotch. euphemistic the reproductive organs.

Where does the surname loynes originate from?

Early Origins of the Loynes family The surname Loynes was first found in Normandy (French: Normandie), the former Duchy of Normandy, where this noble family has held a family seat since ancient times.

Where does the name Lynes come from?

Early Origins of the Lynes family The surname Lynes was first found in Ayrshire (Gaelic: Siorrachd Inbhir Àir), formerly a county in the southwestern Strathclyde region of Scotland, that today makes up the Council Areas of South, East, and North Ayrshire.

Where are my loins?

loins, the parts of the body between the hips and the lower ribs, especially regarded as the seat of physical strength and generative power. the genital and pubic area; genitalia.

How do you pronounce Lynes?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Lynes. lynes. l-AY-n-z.
  2. Meanings for Lynes. It is a surname. A Notable person with this name is Craig Lynes, a Scottish footballer.
  3. Examples of in a sentence. Extinction Rebellion Dover: John Lynes, 91, denies disobeying police.
  4. Translations of Lynes. Russian : Лайнс

What are woman’s loins?

The loins, or lumbus, are the sides between the lower ribs and pelvis, and the lower part of the back.

Do humans have loins?

Usually loins. the part or parts of the human body or of a quadruped animal on either side of the spinal column, between the false ribs and hipbone. a cut of meat from this region of an animal, especially a portion including the vertebrae of such parts.

What is girding your loins?

Also, gird up one’s loins. Prepare oneself for action, as in I’m girding up my loins for that crucial interview. This expression comes from the Bible (Proverbs 31:17) and originally alluded to tucking up the traditional long robe into a girdle (that is, a belt) so it will not hamper physical activity. [ c.

What is the fruit of my loins?

fruit of one’s loins (plural fruit of one’s loins or fruits of one’s loins) (chiefly literary, idiomatic) One’s child or, collectively, one’s children or descendants.

What is a woman’s loins?

Where is your loins on your body?

Where are your loins located?