What does leave a trail behind meaning?
What does leave a trail behind meaning?
(leave) a paper trail: (to leave) a series of written documents that show what someone did or how something happened. Notes: A trail is a path that’s made in the ground when people walk in the forest. It can also describe any series of marks or signs that someone leaves behind them as they go somewhere.
What are synonyms for trail?
Some common synonyms of trail are chase, follow, and pursue. While all these words mean “to go after or on the track of something or someone,” trail may stress a following of tracks or traces rather than a visible object.
What is the synonym for behind?
after, afterwards, at the back, in the rear, in the wake, at the end, at six o’clock. ahead, in front. 2”I’m off to dance!’ he called behind’ over one’s shoulder, to the rear, to the back, towards the rear, towards the back, backwards.
What does Trailing mean in a race?
the pursuit (of a person or animal) by following tracks or marks they left behind.
What is lag behind mean?
to move more slowly than someone or something else so that you are behind them.
How do you use trailing in a sentence?
Trailing sentence example
- Your communiqué—” “Is this real?” one of the men trailing asked in surprise.
- He chuckled again and glanced back at the others, who were trailing behind.
- Gerry asked, trailing her into the condo.
- There are four sections in the game, namely, drawing, guarding, trailing and driving.
What is a use trail?
Use-Trail. An unofficial trail pounded into the ground by the passage of hikers. Use-trails almost never have signs, the tread usually is narrow, and they tend to go steeply up and down hillsides. Obscure parts of the use-trail might be marked by cairns.
How do you use trail in a sentence?
English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word “Trail” in Example Sentences Page 1
- [S] [T] The trail was not clearly marked. (
- [S] [T] The trail has gone cold. (
- [S] [T] The trail ahead looked rough. (
- [S] [T] I like walking on dusty and rocky trails. (
What is the meaning of lagging behind?
delay, procrastinate, lag, loiter, dawdle, dally mean to move or act slowly so as to fall behind.
What is the antonyms word of behind?
What is the opposite of behind?
ahead | in front |
in the foreground | in the lead |
What does Trailing mean in a game?
3 lose a competition [intransitive, transitive usually in progressive]LOSE A GAME, COMPETITION, OR WAR to be losing in a game, competition, or election The Democratic candidate is still trailing in the opinion polls. trail (somebody) by something Manchester United were trailing by two goals to one.
What is the definition of tailing?
Definition of tailing 1 : residue separated in the preparation of various products (such as grain or ores) —usually used in plural. 2 : the part of a projecting stone or brick inserted in a wall.