What does LCN mean in bullets?

Lazer-Tipped Hollow Point. LBBWC. Lead Bevel Base Wadcutter. LCN. Lead Conical Nose.

What is a LFP bullet?

Lead Flat Nose Features Non-jacketed, flat nose bullets will deform and expand on impact, while semi-jacketed versions will give more penetration with some of the expansion lost. A big advantage for lead flat nose bullets is the variety available from various manufacturers.

What is the abbreviation for bullets?

Ammo is a shorthand way to say “ammunition,” meaning bullets, gunpowder, and other combat supplies.

What does CT mean in ammo?


AB Accu Bond Jacketed Soft Point
CT Combined Technologies Lead Round Nose
DEWC Double End Wadcutter Lenght Tolerant Bullet
FBHP-V Flat Base Lead semi-Wadcutter
FBHP-V Flat Base Hollow Point Varmint Moly Coated

What is LCN number?

Logical Channel Numbers (LCNs) are unique channel numbers assigned to each TV station and will serve as a unique identifier on the digital broadcasting platform. LCNs are user friendly and convenient, that is the numbers are arranged in a logical manner that is easy for viewers to remember.

What do the numbers on an ammo box mean?

The caliber numbers on the box must match the numbers on the gun exactly. The full name of the cartridge may, or may not, have more to it than the bullet caliber. For example, the 9 mm Luger cartridge is often shortened to just 9 mm, or the word following the caliber is abbreviated to conserve space on the label.

Why does .40 have a flat nose?

I’ve read that the reason why the 40 S&W is flat-nosed is to keep its over all length in the same neighborhood as the 9mm para (9X19). A round-nosed 40 S&W would be significantly longer than a 9mm, and require a mag with a front to rear length greater than would fit in a 9mm frame.

What is a FMJ Flat Point?

Flat Point Jacket (FPJ) bullets are actually FMJ bullets with a flat nose. These bullets are designed to improve the stopping power of the FMJ bullets. They are suitable primarily for revolver ammunition but are also used in pistol ammunition.

What is MC bullets?

MC (Metal Cased): This is a term used by Remington to refer to their full metal jacketed bullets.

What does TP mean in ammo?

TP. Target Practice. Gaming, Military, Artillery.

What does TMC stand for in ammo?

This 9mm 115gr TMC (Total Metal Coating) is from the Ammo, Inc. Signature Target Shooting Line. Whether you’re a serious shooter who spends a lot of time on the range or a casual plinker who shoots a few times a year, you’ll need the best available ammo to fuel your specific firearm.