What does lawlessness mean in government?

1. lawlessness – a state of lawlessness and disorder (usually resulting from a failure of government) anarchy.

What does it mean by lawlessness?

1 : not regulated by or based on law. 2a : not restrained or controlled by law : unruly. b : illegal.

What are examples of lawlessness?

behavior that is illegal or not controlled by laws: The country has descended into lawlessness. There is a growing sense of lawlessness in border regions. Citizens are terrorized by murder, theft, assaults and general lawlessness.

What is a lawless society called?

Definition of anarchy 1a : absence of government. b : a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority the city’s descent into anarchy. c : a utopian society of individuals who enjoy complete freedom without government.

What is the state of lawlessness?

Anarchy (meaning “without leadership”) is a condition in which a person or group of people reject societal hierarchies, laws, and other institutions. It often entails the dissolution of government.

What leads to lawlessness in the society?

Some people engage in lawlessness because they feel protected by those in authority who may be from the same ethnic community or are related to them. Leaders may encourage their supporters to take the law into their own hands. They may do this by inciting people.

What is lawless behavior?

1 without law. 2 disobedient to the law. 3 contrary to or heedless of the law. 4 uncontrolled; unbridled.

What is the similar meaning of lawlessness?

Words related to lawless anarchic, barbarous, chaotic, turbulent, unruly, violent, anarchical, anarchistic, bad, contumacious, criminal, despotic, disobedient, disordered, disorderly, evil, fierce, heterodox, infringing, insubordinate.

What is lawlessness in sociology?

Definitions of lawlessness. illegality as a consequence of unlawful acts; defiance of the law.

What’s another word for no rules?

What is another word for no rules?

gloves are off no holds barred
no-holds-barred no limits
no restrictions without limits
without restrictions without rules

What is the synonym of outlaw?

Words related to outlaw bandit, crook, desperado, fugitive, gangster, hoodlum, hooligan, marauder, mobster, outcast, pariah, robber, ban, bar, condemn, disallow, exclude, forbid, prevent, proscribe.

What do you call a person with no limits?

limitless. adjective. very great, or without any limits.