What does Lamm mean?

noun. lamb [noun] a young sheep.

What does Horsford mean?

The lineage of the name Horsford begins with the Anglo-Saxon tribes in Britain. It is a result of when they lived near a stable or horse pasture. The surname is derived from the Old English words hors, which means horse, and falod, which means enclosure or field.

Where is the last name Seda from?

The surname Sera was first found in Messina (Sicilian: Missina; Latin: Messana), capital of the Italian province of Messina. Its history begins in 397 B.C. After a checkered history the Saracens took it in 831, and the Normans in 1061. It was host to the crusaders in 1190.

What is the origin of the name Leggett?

Leggett Name Meaning English: occupational name for an ambassador or representative, from Middle English and Old French legat, Latin legatus, ‘one who is appointed or ordained’. The name may also have been a pageant name or given to an person elected to represent his village at a manor court.

What ethnicity is last name Lamm?

English and German: from Middle English lamb, Middle High German lamp ‘lamb’; a nickname for a meek and inoffensive person, or a metonymic occupational name for a keeper of lambs.

What does life on the lam mean?

” On the lam means ”running away” or ”being a fugitive from the law”; bureaucrats would say ”in escape status. ” The origin of the expression is in heated dispute among slang etymologists. In The Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, J.E.

Is Sera a Japanese name?

Meaning and Origin of: Sera Japanese : written with characters meaning either ‘good’ and ‘world’ or ‘west’ and ‘silk gauze’.

Is Seren a Welsh name?

Seren is a Welsh female and male name meaning “star”. It has become a common female name and was the third most common name for baby girls born in Wales in 2009; in 2010 Seren was the 5th most common name in Wales, and the 288th most common name for newborn girls in England.

What ethnicity is the last name Leggett?

The name Leggett is derived from the Middle English and Old French word “legat,” and the Latin legatus meaning “ambassador, deputy.”

Is the name Leggett Irish?

The name Leggett in Ireland is of immigrant origin having been brought to the country by settlers who arrived from Scotland especially during the seventeenth century. Most families located in the Province of Ulster and it is in the Northern Counties that the majority of descendants can still today be found.

What nationality is lamb?

The name Lamb comes from the ancient Anglo-Saxon culture of Britain. It was a name for a gentle-hearted person. The surname Lamb originally derived from a broad and miscellaneous class of surnames.

Is Lamb a Scottish name?

The surname Lamb was first found in Northumberland, where they were Lords of the manor of West Denton. The earliest record of this name in Scotland appears to be of Adam Lamb of Sympering, who witnessed a charter of lands in Grayden in c. 1288.