What does knitting someone mean?

knitter Word forms: plural knitters countable noun. 2. verb. If someone or something knits things or people together, they make them fit or work together closely and successfully.

What is the keywords of knitting?

For knitting groups, design, KAL (knit-along), test, sock, needle, and podcast are the most distinctive, as well as stricken, the German word for knitting, as Ravelry has users around the globe.

What does a knit mean in Britain?

knit in British English 4. (of a broken bone) to join together; heal.

What does Nitting mean?

Nitting (German: Nittingen) is a commune in the Moselle department in Grand Est in north-eastern France.

How do you use knitting in a sentence?

Knitting sentence example

  1. She leaned over and picked up the knitting bag.
  2. An old man, a servant of the princesses, sat in a corner knitting a stocking.
  3. She was sitting in an armchair placed sideways, screening the light of the candle from him, and was knitting a stocking.

Why do you knit?

In addition to being fun and creative, knitting has health benefits. It reduces stress, jumpstarts literacy, and reforms inmates. Studies show that knitting can even keep Alzheimer’s at bay! Who would’ve thought that this seemingly innocuous craft also moonlights in health, education and wellness?

What is knitting short answer?

Knitting is a method by which yarn is manipulated to create a textile, or fabric. It is used to create many types of garments. Knitting may be done by hand or by machine.

What is the importance of knitting?

In addition to being fun and creative, knitting has health benefits. It reduces stress, jumpstarts literacy, and reforms inmates. Studies show that knitting can even keep Alzheimer’s at bay!

What does knitted your brows mean?

Definition of knit one’s brow/brows : to move the eyebrows together in a way that shows that one is thinking about something or is worried, angry, etc. She knit her brow and asked what I was doing.

What is a close knit family?

Definition of close-knit : bound together by intimate social or cultural ties or by close economic or political ties close-knit families.

What is a knitted brow?

Definition of knit one’s brow/brows : to move the eyebrows together in a way that shows that one is thinking about something or is worried, angry, etc. She knit her brow and asked what I was doing.

How do you use the word know in a sentence?

Know sentence example

  1. I know you must be tired, so I will let you rest.
  2. I know they don’t like me.
  3. He didn’t know the car was coming.
  4. I know better than that.
  5. Do you know that profound thinker?
  6. Oh, mother, I would like to know everything.
  7. Jim did not know , but he would not tell the Sawhorse that.