What does KK mean instead of OK?

pure acknowledgement
“Importantly, using ‘kk’ instead of ‘Okay’ avoids any suggestion of sarcasm or doubt. There are lots of ways of inflecting Okay. kk is just pure acknowledgement; your message is received. And it is fast to type.”

What does KK mean in slang?

(Internet slang) Reduplication of k (“okay”) (indicates that no further explanation is necessary for a subject, or that the message was understood and will be acted upon without further confirmation). (Internet slang) okay cool (a shortened response usually used at the end of a conversation).

What is the difference between okay OK and K?

K means “Okay” and “Kids.” The abbreviation K is typically used as a way of shortening the abbreviation “OK” (meaning “Okay”) still further. As with “Okay,” the use of K indicates acceptance, agreement, approval, or acknowledgment. However, it may sometimes be interpreted as lacking enthusiasm.

Is OK OK rude?

More words in general sound more polite Gretchen McCulloch, an internet linguist and author of the upcoming book Because Internet, said OK is not inherently rude but the length of a reply matters. “Anything that’s shorter can sound curter, anything that’s longer can sound more polite,” McCulloch said.

What is the difference between K and KK?

The abbreviation KK is a short form of the expression “Okay,” used to acknowledge a message and indicate that it has been understood. KK is widely considered a safe or neutral way of acknowledging a message. It is less formal that typing out the complete word “Okay” and less brusque than a single letter K.

What does it mean if a girl texts KK?

It’s easy to guess the meaning of this abbreviation The kk online acronym simply means “okay” or “message acknowledged.” It’s the same as nodding in person or saying “cool,” “gotcha,” etc.

What does it mean when a girl says Okayyy?

Etymology: Ok simply means to be in agreement or to proceed without problems and now saying Okayyyy can be a funny or rude way of agreeing with someone’s statement. Can also be used in a way to make sure someone knows you’re not actually Okayyyy because of the way you said it.

Is Yep rude?

You are correct that “yeah” and “yep” are informal variants of “yes.” In conversation among friends, any form is appropriate, but “yep” has a slightly dismissive tone.