What does KernelCare do?

KernelCare is a live kernel patching service that provides security patches and bugfixes for a range of popular Linux kernels that can be installed without rebooting the system. Cloud Linux, Inc. KernelCare software is a commercial product.

How do I know if KernelCare is installed?

You can check the version of KernelCare using the following command: kcarectl –info. If you still have questions or concerns, feel free to contact us here or use our live chat feature.

Does CloudLinux include KernelCare?

KernelCare can be installed on any x86_64 compatible server or VM running one of the following distribution: Amazon Linux 1, 2. CentOS 6, 7, Xen4CentOS, CentOS-Plus, ElRepo. CloudLinux 6, 7.

What is Immunify?

To make immune; immunize.

Is Imunify360 free?

It is a free version of our malware scanner that detects any type of malicious file, including backdoors, web-shells, viruses, hacker tools, ‘blackhat’ SEO, scripts, phishing pages, and many others.

What is Imunify360?

IMUNIFY360 IS A COMPREHENSIVE SECURITY SUITE FOR LINUX WEB SERVERS. Antivirus, Firewall, WAF, PHP Security Layer, Patch Management, Domain Reputation with easy UI and advanced automation.

How do I get rid of Imunify360?

To uninstall Imunify360, run:

  1. bash i360deploy.sh –uninstall.
  2. wget https://repo.imunify360.cloudlinux.com/defence360/i360deploy.sh.
  3. /usr/sbin/cagefsctl –force-update /usr/sbin/cagefsctl –remount-all.
  4. /etc/cron.daily/imunify360.cron.
  5. /etc/cron.daily/imunify360-firewall.

How many days is Imunify360 trial period?

14 days
You can also start by using a 14-day free trial by clicking on “ACTIVATE TRIAL NOW”. If you decide to start with the free trial, you will get an unlimited user license for 14 days.

How do I activate Imunify360?

To try Imunify360 before purchasing it, you can get the Free Trial at Imunify360.com/trial. Submit your registration information and you will receive an email with the confirmation link to activate your web portal, called CLN, user account and with your activation key.

Is protected by imunify360?

HOSTING PROVIDERS “Imunify 360 protects linux based web servers and all hosted websites against malware infections, web attacks, vulnerability exploitation and all other threats.”

How do I uninstall imunify360 Plesk?

How do I update imunify360?

To do so, run the following commands:

  1. imunify360-agent config update ‘{“WEBSHIELD”: {“enable”: true, “known_proxies_support”: true}}’
  2. systemctl enable imunify360-webshield.
  3. systemctl restart imunify360-webshield.