What does it mean when the inside part of your knee hurts?

There are lots of different conditions that can cause pain on the inner side of your knee. These include ligament injuries, cartilage damage and osteoarthritis. These conditions are most often caused by a sports injury, overuse of your knee or getting older.

Why is my knee pain radiate down my leg?

Sometimes this tendon can become inflamed as a result of too much activity. The pain is localized to the outside of the knee and occasionally radiates down the outside of the shin. People with weak hip muscles and over pronation are more likely to develop this condition.

Does knee pain radiate up and down leg?

KNEE PAIN SYMPTOMS Symptoms may include a sharp or dull pain, sometimes radiating down or up the leg, stiffness, the knee swelling, and weakness and or inability to bend or straighten the leg fully. There may be popping or crunching noises, and there may be tingling, numbness, pins and needles.

How do you relieve pain on the inner side of your knee?

RICE method: RICE–or Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation–is a common home remedy for inside knee pain. Staying off your knee as much as possible after an injury can help it heal, but if severe knee pain persists for more than three days, you may need to seek medical attention.

Can knee pain travel down the leg?

There’s only one nerve going through your knee that’s at risk of being compressed. It’s a branch of your sciatic nerve called the peroneal nerve. This nerve goes around the outside of your knee before traveling down the outside of your lower leg.

How can you tell the difference between a torn MCL and meniscus?

Palpation of the joint line can also help determine the difference between an MCL tear and a meniscus tear. The MCL will usually hurt directly over the ligament itself, whereas pain in the front or behind the MCL it often can be a meniscus tear. In addition, if one gaps open, one commonly has an MCL tear.

Can sciatica cause inner knee pain?

Can sciatica cause pain in your knee? Yes. Your sciatic nerve is actually five separate nerves that pass through your spine, into your buttocks, and then travel down the back of each leg through your knee.