What does it mean when someone says under no circumstances?

under no circumstances in American English regardless of events or conditions; never.

What Does circumstances mean mean?

Definition of circumstance 1a : a condition, fact, or event accompanying, conditioning, or determining another : an essential or inevitable concomitant the weather is a circumstance to be taken into consideration.

What is the difference between Under no circumstances and under any circumstances?

It may also be modified in various ways, such as under any circumstances meaning “no matter what the situation,” as in We’ll phone her under any circumstances; under no circumstances, meaning “in no case, never,” as in Under no circumstances may you smoke; under any other circumstances, meaning “in a different …

What are examples of circumstances?

The definition of a circumstance is a state that you are in, the details surrounding a situation, or a condition that causes something to occur. An example of a circumstance is when you are very poor. A particular incident or occurrence. Your arrival was a fortunate circumstance.

How do you use circumstances?

Circumstances sentence example

  1. It’s like getting caught, not by a person, but by the circumstances of your actions.
  2. His circumstances were different, and they both knew it.
  3. I wish the circumstances were different.
  4. Given the circumstances , she could forgive him.

What does due to circumstances mean?

phrase. or due to circumstances beyond our control. DEFINITIONS1. used in official statements for explaining that something unexpected has happened that will prevent an event or situation from continuing normally.

What is the meaning of under any circumstances?

What personal circumstances means?

Well, personal circumstances could mean anything or nothing, depending on how honest your student is being. For me the ‘true/truthful’ meaning of it is ‘related to you personally or to your family’, e.g. My wife/child was so ill this morning that I couldn’t leave the house.