What does it mean when a girl is fine?

depends on context, it could mean they’re ok, physically/mentally. it could mean you find them attractive.

Does fine mean attractive?

extremely attractive; “hot”. He is so fine!

What does it mean when someone’s fine?

adjective. A fine person is someone you consider good, moral, and worth admiring. [approval] He was an excellent journalist and a very fine man. Synonyms: worthy, good, excellent, deserving More Synonyms of fine.

What do you say when a guy calls you fine?

If you’re not interested, give this humble response.

  1. “That’s very sweet. Thank you.”
  2. “Thanks, that’s very kind.”
  3. “How nice! Thank you for saying that.”
  4. Be honest if you aren’t super comfortable with his message!
  5. You can also change the subject if you feel uncomfortable.

How do you tell a girl she looks fine?

If you’re not very close with the person, I would suggest using more “innocent” words like good, cute etc. “You look really good with that new hair!” If you’re close, then you can feel more comfortable using words like gorgeous, beautiful, etc.

What is a fine looking woman?

adjective. pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion. “a fine-looking woman” synonyms: better-looking, good-looking, handsome, well-favored, well-favoured beautiful. delighting the senses or exciting intellectual or emotional admiration.

What does a girl mean when she says I’m fine?

A woman may not only be ashamed and afraid to express how she really feels if she is upset, she may in fact be passive-aggressive and aiming to get her man’s attention when she says she’s fine. In this scenario, she is probably not just upset, but also irritated, annoyed and angry.

Is saying fine rude?

Why it doesn’t work: “The word ‘fine’ is often used in conversation as a form of compliance. It can have a negative or positive tone, but it is mostly perceived as rude and dismissive,” says Bessey. “It is best to err on the side of caution and replace ‘fine’ with ‘good.

How do you respond to a flirty compliment text?

If the Compliment Is Flirty To respond to a flirty compliment, you can say: “Thanks so much- I picked this outfit just for you.” “I think you’re really attractive too.” “Thanks so much- I love how (insert another personality trait) you are too.”

Is calling someone pretty flirting?

Calling someone hot/sexy may suggest sexual connotations (but not always), whereas calling someone pretty/beautiful is kinda being fascinated with their looks in a more innocent way.