What does it mean to streamline something?

streamline verb [T] (SHAPE) to shape something so that it can move as effectively and quickly as possible through a liquid or gas: Streamlining cars increases their fuel efficiency.

What is streamline process?

What is streamlining? Streamlining is the process used to simplify or eliminate unnecessary work-related tasks to improve the efficiency of processes in businesses or organizations. Streamlining processes require the usage of modernizing techniques, technology and other possible approaches to complete.

What is streamline in business?

Streamlining, by definition, is the act of altering an item to make it simpler or more efficient. For example, you can streamline the work of invoicing clients by ensuring the steps in the process are consistent and repeatable, regardless of who is creating and distributing invoices.

What is streamline example?

Streamline is something that has a shape that provides little resistance to air or fluid flow. An example of streamline is a slick, smooth aircraft. The path, or a section of the path, of a fluid moving past a solid object. Streamlined.

What does it mean to streamline people?

Word forms: streamlines, streamlining, streamlined. transitive verb. To streamline an organization or process means to make it more efficient by removing unnecessary parts of it. They’re making efforts to streamline their normally cumbersome bureaucracy.

What is streamlining in education?

While the term “integrated curriculum” has many, sometimes conflicting meanings to educators; STREAMlining curriculum is simply the process of creating a framework that allows students to experience learning of different disciplines in a contextual manner rather than learning bits and pieces.

How do I streamline my work?

How to Streamline Your Workflow

  1. Examine and catalog your current processes.
  2. Break the process down into smaller steps.
  3. Establish work priority.
  4. Maintain documentation.
  5. Automate workflows.
  6. Test out the new automated workflow.

How do you use streamline?

1. Can you streamline this kind of airship? 2. They’re making efforts to streamline their normally cumbersome bureaucracy.

How do you streamline everything?

8 Small Ways to Simplify and Streamline Your Life

  1. Delegate one task.
  2. De-clutter your workspace (or fridge, bathroom, etc)
  3. Create a system for a regular task.
  4. Cut down your communication (just a little bit)
  5. Clean out your bag.
  6. Plan out your week every Sunday night.

What is streamlining in nature?

Animals become more streamlined to move easily through air and water. Aeroplanes and drag cars are designed in a similar way to help them move more easily through the air or on the ground.

How do teachers streamline?

What Are The Best Strategies For Streamlining Your Curriculum?

  1. Integrate subjects. This effectively meets the requirements of standards and saves time by removing duplication in different subject areas.
  2. Combine Assessment Prep Into Daily Learning.
  3. Use Power Standards.
  4. Revisit Old Work With New Thinking.