What does it mean to impede something?

Definition of impede transitive verb. : to interfere with or slow the progress of.

Does impede mean to stop?

To impede something is to delay or block its progress or movement. Carrying six heavy bags will impede your progress if you’re trying to walk across town in a hurry. Impede comes from the Latin impedire which literally means “to hold the feet,” formed from the prefix in-, (“in”) plus pes (“foot”).

What is the synonym of impede?

Some common synonyms of impede are block, hinder, and obstruct. While all these words mean “to interfere with the activity or progress of,” impede implies making forward progress difficult by clogging, hampering, or fettering.

Is it correct to say impede on?

The English transitive verb impede means, “to retard in progress or action by putting obstacles in the way; to obstruct; to hinder; to stand in the way of.” The person who wrote “Washington’s weeklong power outage impeding on Thanksgiving” may have been reaching for impinging.

What is impede learning?

vb tr to restrict or retard in action, progress, etc.; hinder; obstruct. (C17: from Latin impedire to hinder, literally: shackle the feet, from pes foot)

What is the past tense of impede?

past tense of impede is impeded.

What does impeding movement mean?

to retard in movement or progress by means of obstacles or hindrances; obstruct; hinder.

What word means the opposite of impede?

adverse, antagonistic, antithetical, contradictory, differing, paradoxical, reversed, antithesis, contrary, antipodal, counter, facing, hostile, independent, inverse, obverse, separate, antipode, antonym, contra.

What is the closest antonym for the word impede?

antonyms for impede

  • advance.
  • aid.
  • allow.
  • assist.
  • encourage.
  • expedite.
  • forward.
  • help.

How do you impede a simple sentence?

Impede sentence example

  1. The underbrush will impede the progress of the hunted animal.
  2. I have fallen off three times already, which is starting to impede my progress.
  3. This will impede learning, essentially causing more problems than solutions.
  4. If the reefs impede navigation they form some good harbours.