What does it mean to have a scowl on your face?

: a facial expression of displeasure : frown.

What does scowled mean in the outsiders?

scowl. a facial expression of dislike or displeasure.

What is the synonym of scowled?

See also synonyms for: scowled / scowling. glare. glower. grimace. disapprove.

What are angry eyebrows called?

Scowl is defined as to wrinkle the eyebrows to show disapproval or anger.

How do you scowl someone?

To make a truly fearsome scowl, open your eyes wide, exposing their whites, and flare your nostrils while you perform the rest of the steps above – furrowing your brow, curving your mouth downward, and so on. You may also want to tighten your neck and facial muscles to add to your expression of anger.

What is the difference between frown and scowl?

A scowl is like an angry frown you would give someone if you disapproved of them. A frown expresses sadness, but a scowl expresses disdain.

How do you pronounce scowl?

Break ‘scowl’ down into sounds: [SKOWL] – say it out loud and exaggerate the sounds until you can consistently produce them.

What does the word scowl?

to draw down or contract the brows in a sullen, displeased, or angry manner. to have a gloomy or threatening look. verb (used with object) to affect or express with a scowl.

Are scowl and frown synonyms?

What is the facial expression of anger?

Facial expression of anger In anger the eyebrows come down and together, the eyes glare, and there is a narrowing of the lip corners. During conscious suppression or unconscious repression of anger, the expression may be less obvious, though the person may show signs of their anger in a split-second micro expression.

What is a sentence for scowl?

Scowl sentence example She returned his scowl with a little rancor. She stopped her scowl and forced a smile at the manager. Denton turned the scowl on him.