What does it mean to flip flop the Appalachian Trail?

A flip flop thru-hike is when a hiker starts their hike at a less conventional spot to then return to complete the remainder of the trail. So, on the Appalachian Trail, instead of starting in Georgia or Maine, you could start somewhere in the middle to head north.

Where do I send resupply boxes?

The Best Towns to Send Mail Drops on the Appalachian Trail

  • 1) Nantahala Outdoor Center (The NOC) Mile: 137.3.
  • 2) Fontana Village. Mile: 164.6.
  • 3) Bland, VA. Mile: 587.6.
  • 4) Harper’s Ferry, WV. Mile: 1019.6.
  • 5) Caratunk, ME. Mile: 2034.1.
  • 6) Monson, ME. Mile: 2070.8.

How many hostels are on the Appalachian Trail?

That’s where the trail’s hostels come in. There are roughly 80 of them along the 2,190-mile trail running from Georgia to Maine. That’s not as many as it sounds.

How much does it cost to hike the entire Appalachian Trail?

$5,000 to $7,000
How much does it cost to hike the Appalachian Trail? The average cost of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail ranges from $5,000 to $7,000 for a 5- to 7-month hike; that amount includes gear, trail resupply, and town expenses. Expect to spend about $1,000 a month per person.

How often can you resupply on the Appalachian Trail?

every 3-5 days
Resupplying. Long-distance hikers leave the Appalachian Trail (A.T.) periodically (typically every 3-5 days) to resupply in nearby towns. In remote areas, such as the Great Smoky Mountains National Park in Tennessee/North Carolina and the “100 Mile Wilderness” in Maine, hikers may carry food for 6-8 days or more.

What do you eat while hiking the Appalachian Trail?

Dried foods like pasta that can be boiled and prepared on portable stoves are popular with hikers. Tuna or chicken in foil packets can add protein, or textured vegetable protein (tvp) can be used. Some instant foods require only that you boil water.

How do you go to the bathroom on the Appalachian Trail?

Where do you use the bathroom on the Appalachian Trail? All of the campsites and shelter areas have “privies,” which are basically outhouses. Volunteers typically build and maintain the privies.

What is slack packing?

In simpler terms, Slack-Packing is an assisted way of hiking where you have a host who carries the burden of your equipment, takes care of your possessions and set up your overnight camps for you. This is an amazing new way to travel, which allows you to focus on your hike and travel at a faster pace if needed.

Are there rest stops on the Appalachian Trail?

Grayson Highlands State Park is well known for its grassy hills and for the wild horses that keep them that way. The Thomas Knob Shelter is a great location to take a short rest or even stay the night.