What does it mean to dwelt?
What does it mean to dwelt?
Definition of dwell intransitive verb. 1 : to remain for a time dwell in the hallway. 2a : to live as a resident the town in which he dwelled for eight years the dwelling place of the gods. b : exist, lie where the heart of the matter dwells.
Is there a word dwelt?
Dwelt is the past tense and past participle of dwell.
Do not dwell on meaning?
What does it really mean when you say not to dwell on something? To dwell on something is to keep thinking about it, almost obsessively. It means that you are not be able to get out of that cycle of thoughts and get over the disruption.
What does dwell upon mean?
Definition of dwell on/upon : to think or talk about (something) for a long time There is no need to dwell on the past. Don’t dwell upon your mistakes.
How do you use dwelt in a sentence?
Dwelt Sentence Examples
- On one of them he dwelt long and joyfully.
- He no longer needed to feel as if he still dwelt in the shadow of Darian’s death.
- A larger soul I think hath seldom dwelt in a house of clay than his was.
What does dwell in me meaning?
1. To obsessively think or worry about something.
What dwells in man meaning?
He learned the answer to the first question when Matryona felt pity for him, thus smiling and realizing that what dwells in man is “love”. He who has love, is in God, and God is in him, for God is love.” When Michael finished, he sang praise to God as wings appeared on his back and he rose to return to heaven.
Is it dwell on or dwell in?
To dwell in a home is to live in it. To dwell on something — usually something bad, like a failed romance or terrible service in a restaurant — is to think or speak about it at great length.
What is the sentence of hovel?
Hovel sentence example The family lives in a rat-infested, decrepit hovel . The Tour will not require you to enter a hovel that is inhabited. She lives in a wretched, filthy hovel with two grown up daughters whom she will not suffer to work or learn anything.
What dwells in man in What Men Live By?
Leo Tolstoy “What Men Live By” “The Three Lessons of God” paraphrased.. Learn, “What dwells in man”. To dwell in their hearts. Learn, “What is not given to man”.