What does it mean to call someone insulate?

If a person or group is insulated from the rest of society or from outside influences, they are protected from them. They wonder if their community is no longer insulated from big city problems. Synonyms: isolate, protect, screen, defend More Synonyms of insulate.

What is insulation in simple words?

1 : material that is used to stop the passage of electricity, heat, or sound from one conductor to another. 2 : the act of insulating : the state of being insulated insulation of wires. insulation.

What part of speech is insulation?

The act of insulating, or the state of being insulated; detachment from other objects; isolation.

What is meant by insulation in social?

the state of being isolated or detached. “the insulation of England was preserved by the English Channel” synonyms: detachment, insularism, insularity. type of: isolation. a state of separation between persons or groups.

What are you insinuating?

1a : to impart or suggest in an artful or indirect way : imply I resent what you’re insinuating. b : to introduce (something, such as an idea) gradually or in a subtle, indirect, or covert way insinuate doubts into a trusting mind. 2 : to introduce (someone, such as oneself) by stealthy, smooth, or artful means.

How do you use insulate in a sentence?

Insulate sentence example

  1. The rubber tires insulate the vehicle from the earth ground.
  2. Use foam wrap to help insulate your home’s water pipes and heater.
  3. The wool used for these quarter socks will insulate and breathe in order to adjust to a range of temperatures.

What’s another word for insulation?

In this page you can discover 38 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for insulation, like: insulating material, resistant material, nonconductor, padding, packing, isolating, defending, neutralizing, cording, Warmcel and protecting.

What is an example of insulate?

Insulate is defined as to separate or keep from others. An example of insulate is wrapping vegetables in foil before grilling them next to a steak. An example of insulate is wrapping a hot water heater to prevent the heat of the water from escaping into the air.

What are you insulating meaning?

The verb insulate means “protect from heat, cold, or noise,” like when you add an extra layer of clothing to insulate yourself from the cold. You can insulate a wall to keep sound out, or insulate your house to keep cold air from getting inside.

What is it called when you say something indirectly?

innuendo Add to list Share. Speaking in innuendo is when you say something indirectly — often of a hurtful or sexual nature. Innuendo in Latin means “to point to” or “nod to.” When you refer to something indirectly, you point at it without mentioning it, making an innuendo.

What does well insulated mean?

​protected with a material that prevents heat, sound, electricity, etc. from passing through. insulated wires. a well-insulated house. insulated against something The laboratory was well insulated against outside noise.