What does it mean to be majestic?

: very impressive and beautiful or dignified majestic mountains. Other Words from majestic. majestically \ -​sti-​kə-​lē \ adverb.

Is Majestic a compliment?

Majestic When you hear the word ‘majestic,’ you know that it means something noble and excellent. When you say this charming word, you show your delight with a person you are giving a compliment.

What does the word majestic in sentence mean?

Impressive or beautiful in a dignified or inspiring way. adjective.

What is majestic appearance?

DEFINITIONS1. big, beautiful, or impressive in a calm and serious way. a man of majestic appearance and great dignity.

What are things that are majestic?

Majestic things display great dignity, befit a great ruler, or are simply far superior to everyday stuff. Compared with a peasant’s hut, for instance, a king’s palace is quite majestic.

What kind of word is majestic?

What type of word is ‘majestic’? Majestic is an adjective – Word Type.

Can you call someone Majestic?

If you describe something or someone as majestic, you think they are very beautiful, dignified, and impressive.

Which is a synonym for the word Majestic?

Some common synonyms of majestic are grandiose, grand, imposing, magnificent, and stately. While all these words mean “large and impressive,” majestic combines the implications of imposing and stately and usually adds a suggestion of solemn grandeur.

What is the adjective form of Majestic?

less commonly majestical / (məˈdʒɛstɪk) / adjective. having or displaying majesty or great dignity; grand; lofty.

What does majestic mean in the Bible?

1 : sovereign power, authority, or dignity. 2 —used in addressing or referring to reigning sovereigns and their consorts Your MajestyHer Majesty’s Government. 3a : royal bearing or aspect : grandeur. b : greatness or splendor of quality or character.

What type of word is majestic?

What is a another word for Majestic?