What does it gripping mean?

Definition of gripping : taking a powerful hold upon one’s interest or feelings a gripping thriller Shabba Ranks has a gripping baritone voice that ranges from bedroom purr to locker-room-boast roar.—

What does gripping mean in text?

gripping in American English (ˈɡrɪpɪŋ) adjective. holding the attention or interest intensely; fascinating; enthralling.

What does mind gripping mean?

holding the attention or interest intensely; fascinating; enthralling: a gripping play; a gripping book. GOOSES. GEESES. I WANT THIS QUIZ ON PLURAL NOUNS!

What type of word is gripping?

Word Type. Gripping can be an adjective or a verb.

How do you use grip in a sentence?

Grip sentence example

  1. He tightened his grip slightly.
  2. She held her grip on his collar.
  3. She jerked her arm, but his grip was strong.
  4. She pushed herself up despite his grip , staring at him hard.
  5. Yully stood, tightened her grip , and yanked.
  6. His grip loosened, but she made no attempt to move.

What does grappling with mean?

1 : to seize or hold with an instrument (as a hook) 2 : to seize and struggle with another Wrestlers grappled in the ring. 3 : to deal with Leaders are grappling with the problem.

What is another word for attention grabbing?

What is another word for attention-grabbing?

striking noticeable
astounding staggering
awesome stunning
phenomenal astonishing
dazzling notable

What does firm grip mean?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englisha firm grip/hold/grasp etca firm grip/hold/grasp etcif you have something in a firm grip etc, you are holding it tightly and strongly He took a firm grip of my arm and marched me towards the door.

How do you use grapple in Word?

Grapple in a Sentence ?

  1. With his wife out of town, he knew he would have to grapple with the kids all week.
  2. A wrestler is taught to grapple his opponent to achieve victory.
  3. It might not be the best idea to grapple with someone twice your size.
  4. It might not be the best idea to grapple with someone twice your size.