What does IR mean in military terms?

The main reason I’ve been so busy is a little thing called Imposed Restriction or as most people call it – IR. IR is where the military member moves to the new location and leaves the family at the old location.

What is the full meaning of IR?

IR. abbreviation. Definition of IR (Entry 2 of 3) 1 information retrieval. 2 infrared.

What does IR stand for police?

Police & FBI Acronyms

187 California Penal Code for Murder
Interpol International Criminal Police Organization
IO Investigating Officer
IR Interview Room
ISL Involuntary Stress Leave

What does DPI stand for Army?

To support and enhance the quality of life of our soldiers, their families, tenant units and employees in USAG Humphreys and Area III, through exceptional facility management, housing and environmental support.

Is there a word IR?

No, ir is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What is the army abbreviation?

ARMY stands for Another Requisitioned Military Youth.

What is the acronym for FBI?

FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation / Short name

Where is the 25th Air Force?

Joint Base San Antonio, Texas
The USAF also realigned the 9th Reconnaissance Wing and the 55th Wing under the new NAF. It was headquartered at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas….

Twenty-Fifth Air Force
Part of Air Combat Command
Headquarters Lackland Air Force Base, Joint Base San Antonio, Texas, U.S.
Motto(s) Freedom Through Vigilance

What is ISR airforce?

MONITORING INTELLIGENCE Responsible for collecting information related to the enemy’s strength, movements and activity, Airborne Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) Operators provide top-secret intelligence to command.

What is DPW in the army?