What does interminable mean synonym?

unending. uninterrupted. unremitting. untiring. world-without-end.

What type of a word is historia?

Historia is a noun. A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.

What is interminable example?

The definition of interminable is something that is endless or that feels as if it goes on forever. An example of something that would be described as interminable is a five-hour long, very boring meeting. adjective. 1. Being or seeming to be without an end; endless.

What does interminable mean in literature?

incapable of being terminated; unending: an interminable job. monotonously or annoyingly protracted or continued; unceasing; incessant: I can’t stand that interminable clatter.

What are synonyms and antonyms for interminable?

Synonyms & Antonyms of interminable

  • dateless,
  • deathless,
  • endless,
  • eternal,
  • everlasting,
  • immortal,
  • permanent,
  • undying,

What is the opposite of interminable?

Opposite of endless or apparently endless (often used hyperbolically) bounded. finite. limited. measurable.

What means of historia?

The Greek word historia originally meant inquiry, the act of seeking knowledge, as well as the knowledge that results from inquiry. And from there it’s a short jump to the accounts of events that a person might put together from making inquiries — what we might call stories.

Is Historia an English word?

Historia is a noun that means history or story and you can find out how to pronounce it here: In English the meanings of history and story often overlap. In fact they come from the same Latin word, historia (which, in turn, comes from the Greek ἱστορία).

Is interminably a word?

in a way that continues for too long and therefore is boring or annoying: They talked interminably.

What is verb of interminable?

interminate. (obsolete) To menace; to threaten.

Whats the definition of interminable?

Definition of interminable : having or seeming to have no end especially : wearisomely protracted an interminable sermon.