What does inactive mean on a case?

What does inactive mean on a criminal record? a case that has not gone to judgment but on which the court can take no further action, especially because the defendant cannot be found or is not available (eg the defendant has failed to appear at a scheduled court appearance and is considered to be a fugitive).

What does inactive case mean in Texas?

3. What is the definition of an inactive case? For the purposes of this report, an inactive case is a case in which NO JUDGMENT HAS YET BEEN ENTERED BUT THE DEFENDANT IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR ADJUDICATION AND THE COURT CANNOT TAKE FURTHER ACTION.

What does it mean when a case is active?

a crime that is currently being investigated by the police or other authority. there have been instances when cold cases have been solved during the investigation of a seemingly unrelated active case. a lawsuit or legal action that is progressing through the courts and which has not yet gone to judgment.

What does inactive case mean in Maryland?

inactive means that the case is closed, but closed cases can be reopened. Your question is unclear as to what happened in court. If the case was placed on the stet docket, it can be reopened for any reason within one year or for… More.

What does inactive case mean in PA?

It means that there is nothing going on. It might have been placed on an administrative hold or something like that. It may be that the perpetrator is in a diversion program and, if he successfully completes it, the case will be closed…

What can also mean inactive?

Some common synonyms of inactive are idle, inert, passive, and supine. While all these words mean “not engaged in work or activity,” inactive applies to anyone or anything not in action or in operation or at work. on inactive status as an astronaut. inactive accounts.

What does inactive discharge mean?

1 attorney answer Inactive dschrel means that the listing is inactive because person was discharged/released.

What does inactive case status mean in PA?

It means that there is nothing going on. It might have been placed on an administrative hold or something like that. It may be that the perpetrator is in a diversion program and, if he successfully completes it, the case will be closed…

What does it mean when a case is inactive in PA?

Does case Closed mean not guilty?

If you’re looking at a police report, it might say case closed with arrest. If a court file, closed means dismissed, acquitted or convicted.

How long can a case be inactive for in PA?

two years
Rule 230.2 – Termination of Inactive Cases (a) At least once a year, the court shall initiate proceedings to terminate cases in which there has been no activity of record for two years or more , and shall report such information to the Court Administrator of Pennsylvania on a form supplied by the Administrative Office …
