What does I will respond accordingly mean?

Accordingly means in accord with, or in correspondence with something.

What does it mean by accordingly?

in accordance
Definition of accordingly 1 : in accordance : correspondingly Read the instructions and act accordingly. 2 : consequently, so was delayed and accordingly arrived late.

How do you use accordingly in a sentence?

Accordingly sentence example

  1. Accordingly I copied the story and sent it to him for his birthday.
  2. This was done accordingly , the number of members of the committee being, however, doubled.
  3. She accordingly delayed a year.
  4. Now I’m able to adjust my method of operation accordingly .

When should we use accordingly?

You use accordingly to introduce a fact or situation that is a result or consequence of something that you have just referred to. We have a different background, a different history. Accordingly, we have the right to different futures.

What is accordingly an example of?

Accordingly is defined as to be done a way that is fitting and proper or in alignment with something. An example of the word accordingly is when a teacher asks a student to behave accordingly by reminding the student of appropriate behavior using other students an example.

What is the synonym of accordingly?

appropriately, correspondingly, properly, proportionately, respectively, subsequently, therefore, thus, consequently, in due course, duly, equally, ergo, fitly, hence, in consequence, in respect to, resultantly, so, suitably.

Can you end a sentence with accordingly?

We can also use “accordingly” as a synonym of “therefore”, “hence”, or “as a result”. The student violated the university rules; accordingly, he was placed on disciplinary probation. In this case, “accordingly” is a conjunctive adverb; it modifies a complete sentence or clause instead of a single word.

What does it mean to act accordingly?

to follow instructions or rules
Definition of act accordingly : to follow instructions or rules Please learn the new rules and act accordingly.

Will update accordingly meaning?

adverb [oft ADVERB with verb] You use accordingly to introduce a fact or situation which is a result or consequence of something that you have just referred to. […] See full entry.

What comes after accordingly?

Conjunctive adverbs can be used with a comma to introduce a new independent clause, or they can help connect two independent clauses together after a semicolon. Typically, each conjunctive adverb is followed by a comma….

accordingly in fact
furthermore that is
hence then
however therefore
indeed thus

What does please plan accordingly mean?

1 a detailed scheme, method, etc., for attaining an objective. 2 sometimes pl a proposed, usually tentative idea for doing something. 3 a drawing to scale of a horizontal section through a building taken at a given level. Compare → ground plan → 1 → elevation → 5.

Can you use accordingly at the end of a sentence?