What does heffa mean?

It can be spelt “heffer” or “heffa.” This word is used most often in AA[E]V (African American [English] Vernacular) and is used to insult someone. In general it means “bitch” but can apply particularly to someone who is fat.

What language is heffa?

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary heffaArabic.

How do u spell heffa?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Heffa. H-effa. hef-fa.
  2. Meanings for Heffa.
  3. Translations of Heffa. Turkish : tıpkı Russian : Слоното Chinese : 法镇

What does hefa mean in Mexico?

noun, plural je·fes [he-fes; English hey-feyz]. Spanish. leader; chief; boss.

Is a heifer a female?

A heifer is a female that has not had any offspring. The term usually refers to immature females; after giving birth to her first calf, however, a heifer becomes a cow. An adult male is known as a bull.

What is a companeros?

noun, plural com·pa·ñe·ros [kom-puhn-yair-ohz; Spanish kawm-pah-nye-raws]. (in the southwestern U.S.) a male companion or partner. (in Latin America) a male worker, coworker, or comrade. GOOSES.

What does heifer mean in slang?

In the 1830s, heifer, which is pronounced “HEFF-er,” was first used as slang for “woman” or “girl.” Since then, it took on the meaning of a female who is obese. It is very rude to single people out because of the way they look and so heifer should never be used. Definitions of heifer. young cow.

What are heifers used for?

Heifers are young female cattle that have not yet borne calves. Heifers can be used for breeding, and they can also be raised for beef. Heifers are bred once they reach maturity (about 12 to 14 months), according to University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Once a heifer has a calf, she becomes a cow.

How do you pronounce companeros?

noun, plural com·pa·ñe·ros [kom-puhn-yair-ohz; Spanish kawm-pah-nye-raws].